
Thursday, April 16, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Ministers washing dirty linen in public

Ministers washing dirty linen in public
Petros Madima - Opinion
Thu, 16 Apr 2009 02:29:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - The formation of the inclusive Government in Zimbabwe ushered in a new political dispensation in the country. Many of us who had been wearied by the constant bickering by our leaders are glad that things are finally moving forward.

I am, however, concerned about the manner in which some leaders are behaving in this inclusive Government. Many of them, especially ministers from the main MDC party, are acting as if they are still in opposition. There is also an accomodating media that is bent on opposing the Zanu PF fraction of the inclusive Government.

Governments are systems that work to achieve certain desired goals, hence criticising Zanu PF ministers only in this inclusive Government shows a lack of understanding of how governments work.

The two MDC formations and Zanu PF signed a Global Political Agreement - the basis upon which the inclusive Government is based. Hence they are guided by that agreement. If any of the fractions (or factions) of that inclusive Government make a mistake it is the responsibility of the whole Government, not a section of that government.

That means all our leaders who go to the media criticising Zanu PF are, in essence, criticising themselves. The MDC is as culpable as Zanu PF if anything goes wrong; and vice versa.

I urge all those ministers who wish to remain in opposition to quit. Criticising a Government that one is serving in is a sign of bad leadership. The Joint Monitoring and Implementation Committee should be consulted on implementations matters. It is there to ensure the smooth running of the inclusive Government.

All ministers should refer to JOMIC when they feel certain provisions in the GPA are being violated. Running to the media anything there is a problem in implementation smacks of poor judgment.

ICT Minister, Nelson Chamisa said, in response to President Mugabe's realignment of ministerial responsibilities: "I would not hesitate to resign if Mugabe does not reverse his unilateral move to strip me of some departments."

We all know that President Mugabe will never reverse the allocation of departments.

Minister Chamisa should begin to both write and recite his resignation speech.

Petros Madima
London, UK

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