
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Six white commercial farmers arrested

Six white commercial farmers arrested
Our reporter
Wed, 08 Apr 2009 05:24:00 +000

TWO white former commercial farmers appeared in separate courts in Chegutu and Chiredzi over land-related issues while six others and their managers in the southeastern Lowveld were arrested for allegedly refusing to vacate State acquired land, state media is reporting.

Chegutu farmer Martin Joubert appeared in court charged with "taking hostage" eight youths living on a farm allocated to Zanu-PF information and publicity secretary Nathan Shamuyarira.

Another white commercial farmer, Digby Sean Nesbitt appeared in a Chiredzi court for "refusing to vacate a farm allocated to the Officer Commanding Matabeleland North Province, Senior Assistant Commissioner Edmore Veterai."

Other white commercial farmers arrested include Michael Fay-Dherbe of Farm 33 Hippo Valley Settlement, Benoit Lagesse of Farm 1 Hippo Valley, Cecil Jean Derobellad, Tony Renato Sarto of Lot 1 Ranch North, Jeffrey Soma of Lot 2 Fair Ranch and Mariah Theressa Warth of Wasara Ranch.

They were arrested for refusing to vacate "acquired farms".

The Zimbabwe Supreme Court has ruled that farmers who refuse to vacate acquired farms could be prosecuted.

The government of President Mugabe says the latest farm takeovers represents the final phase of the fast track land reform programme launched in 2000. The government argues that such takeovers were necessary to redistribute land to landless blacks. At independence in 1980 over 90% of the productive farming land was owned by less than 4% of the population, mainly white commercial farmers.

The government argues that takeovers were necessary to correct the imbalance.

White commercial farmers argue that the takeovers have often been violent and disruptive of commercial activity and threatening food security in the country.

Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe President Trevor Gifford said the farm invasions are instigated by what he describes as "greedy" elements who do not want the country to advance.

The Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai has warned against farm invasions.

Tsvangirai said some unruly elements in the Zanu PF party are holding back Zimbabwe’s economic recovery efforts through sponsoring acts of lawlessness.

He threatened with arrest perpetrators of ongoing fresh farming disruptions which he said were fending off much needed economic assistance to Zimbabwe.

He said there were unruly elements who were trying to forcibly acquire farms using fraudulent letters.

“This government is aware that most of the ongoing disruptions of agricultural production, which are being done in the name of the land reform process, are actually acts of theft using fraudulent offer letters,” Tsvangirai said.

“Those continuing to undertake these activities will be arrested and face justice in the courts.

“There can be no growth without the rule of law and the growth is to end humanitarian crisis in Zimbabwe.”

The Zanu PF party and the two formations of the Movement for Democratic Change signed a Global Political Agreement on Sept 15, 2008 in which they agreed that the land reform programme and the farm acquisitions were irreversible.

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