
Friday, April 17, 2009

Zambian judiciary is second to none, says Rupiah

Zambian judiciary is second to none, says Rupiah
Written by Chibaula Silwamba
Friday, April 17, 2009 2:34:56 PM

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda yesterday swore in his cousin Agness Ngoma and MMD chairperson for agriculture Maybin Mubanga as Zambia's High Commissioner to Mozambique and Ambassador to the DRC respectively.

And President Banda said the Zambian Judiciary is second to none because it is fair, protects the rights of every citizen and ensures that governance takes place in a democratic manner.

Advising Ngoma and Mubanga after he swore them into the diplomatic service at State House in Lusaka, President Banda told them to avoid temptations from people that would want to penetrate the Zambian government through them by ensuring their loyalty to Zambians and the President.

"I want to say a few words about my colleagues who are going to the foreign service. I usually have a few more words than all the other professions because I myself come from the diplomatic background," said President Banda who once served as Zambia's ambassador to the United Nations and foreign affairs minister. "Our country expects a lot from you because you have been chosen among many, many people to go and represent us at various stations where you are going in order that we are well represented.”

He urged Mubanga and Ngoma to explain to the countries they would work in about the problems Zambia was facing.

"You know the problems that our country is facing. While you are there, explain why certain things are happening the way they are happening," he said. "There will also be a lot of temptations where you are going; people wanting to penetrate our government through you by offering you all kinds of incentives and talking to you in all kinds of sweet tongues. I would just like to ask that your loyalty is to the people of Zambia and to the President who has appointed you. I have no doubt that you are capable of doing that, otherwise I would not have chosen you."

He told Mubanga that Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) shared a long border hence many sensitive issues might arise between the two countries that would need to be resolved.

"As you go to Kinshasa, our neighbour and brother country with whom [which] we have a long border and therefore many sensitive issues will arise, which will have to be settled. I am sure the President of that country is looking forward to your coming so that you can help to ensure that our two countries live in peace as they have always done," President Banda guided Mubanga.

President Banda also told Ngoma to maintain the cordial relationship between Zambia and Mozambique.

"You are going to Mozambique our neighbouring country and our brother country with whom we have a long history together leading to their independence. The freedom fighters of that country were in this country including President [Armando] Guebuza himself, we knew each other during that time of the struggle," he said. "I am sure they are looking forward to our ambassador there. Please assist us, explain to them what is happening in our country and encourage them to stand by us as we stand by them at all fora; United Nations, SADC, AU etc. I just want to express my gratitude that I am able to see you off this morning."

Before her appointment, Ngoma was practicing as a lawyer in Lusaka.

And President Banda swore in Nigel Mutuna as a judge and bestowed the title of State Counsel on Dr Patrick Matibini and Michael Musonda Mundashi.

President Banda said the Judiciary had led to the continued peace and unity that Zambia enjoyed.

"All I want to say is that our country is what it is because of you ladies and gentlemen and the work that you do on a daily basis to ensure that justice in our country prevails. Many times as we travel around Africa and the world they ask: 'why is Zambia so different from the other countries?' I think the answer lies in the work that you do every day," President Banda said. "So for me I am greatly honoured as President to be able to this morning swear you in; for Mr Mutuna as a judge and the two state counsels."

He said Zambians were safe in the hands of Mutuna, Mundashi and Dr Matibini.

"All of us know that we have the peace, the unity that we have in our country because the Judiciary of our country is second to none; they are fair, they protect the rights of every citizen, they ensure that governance takes place in a democratic manner," President Banda said. "So I just want to say I am greatly honoured to have this opportunity to swear you in and wish you all the best as you go forward with your work. I have no doubt whatsoever that we are in safe hands all of us as Zambians under your work and leadership."

And speaking after he swore in his new chief analyst-economic and development, Ngoza Munthali, President Banda said some of the most difficult problems Zambia was facing were economic.

President Banda caused laughter when he joked about Munthali's small stature.

"I would like to welcome the young lady to State House Ms Ngoza Munthali. They say, 'dynamite is packed in very small package,'" said President Banda as everyone in the room laughed. "I, myself, like all of you who are looking at her, wondered: 'is this young lady coming here.' I looked at her papers and talked to people, they said: 'you can't get one better than this [one].'"

He said he was very happy to welcome Munthali to join his team at State House.

"You know that some of the most difficult problems that we are facing are economic. So we will depend on your experience and your education to assist us to consolidate what we have already and to build on that so that Zambians can continue live a decent life. I would want to welcome you to State House," said President Banda.

Among those who witnessed the swearing in ceremony were, Chief Justice Ernest Sakala, justice minister George Kunda, who is also Republican Vice-President, acting secretary to the Cabinet Robert Mataka and information minister Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha.

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