
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Zimbabwe farmers say Mugabe allies invading farms

[The economy was destroyed by financial sanctions, which forced the Zimabwean government to operate on a cash only basis, which lead to hyperinflation. Read Sec4C of the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001; land reform has nothing to do with food shortages, because these white farmers did not grow food, they grew tobacco. - MrK]

Zimbabwe farmers say Mugabe allies invading farms
Written by MacDonald Dzirutwe
Saturday, April 18, 2009 4:45:58 PM

CHEGUTU, Zimbabwe (Reuters) - Zimbabwean white farmers on Friday accused President Robert Mugabe's allies of leading a fresh wave of invasions that could cost the country millions in exports and undermine a new unity government.

The unity government between Mugabe and former rival Morgan Tsvangirai, now Prime Minister, is trying to convince reluctant Western donors to pledge financial support that is critical to ending the country's devastating economic crisis.

Zimbabwe's commercial agriculture sector has plummeted since Mugabe's war veterans supporters occupied white-owned farms in 2000, and the country has had to rely on aid to feed its people. More farm invasions will likely stoke donor and investor fears.

A government team lead by deputy prime minister Arthur Mutambara on Friday visited farms in Chegutu, a rich farming district west of Harare where farmers' groups say 17 farms and 2,000 workers have been affected by new occupations.

James Etheredge told reporters that his $3.5 million farm was occupied in February by Edna Madzongwe, President of the Senate and a senior official in Mugabe's ZANU-PF party.

"We were forced to leave our farm under cover of darkness by armed thugs," Etheredge, who lived with his wife and his son's family at Stockdale Citrus Estate, some 100 km west of Harare told Reuters. Local media says Madzongwe owns three other farms.

The farm invasions have intensified in the Chegutu farming district and appear to target white farmers who successfully challenged Mugabe's land reforms at a regional Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) tribunal last year.

Mugabe, the country's only ruler since independence from Britain in 1980, has vowed not to reverse his controversial land policy and accuses the former coloniser of rallying Western sanctions to punish his government for the seizures.

Madzongwe's daughter Farai said her mother had given up a previous property so the government could resettle more black farmers and that she had a government offer letter dated September 2007 when she first tried to occupy Etheredge's farm.

Madzongwe in February moved onto the 100 hectare farm which exports 400,000 boxes of oranges per year among other citrus.

"We are just making assessments of operations in the eventuality that we take the farm when all the court issues are resolved," Farai said, as an armed police officer paced nearby.

Mutumbara told reported "problems" on Zimbabwe's farms should not be allowed to undermine the unity government and said illegal occupations would not be tolerated.

"Our country right now is trying to attract investment, attract aid, we can't afford to be damaging business confidence," he said. "We will not tolerate any government official who is promoting lawlessness in our country."

Mutambara said his team would present its findings to cabinet next week, saying some blacks were using fake land offer letters as an excuse to occupy farms

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