
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dora still staying in a govt house and driving GRZ car

Dora still staying in a govt house and driving GRZ car
Written by Patson Chilemba
Sunday, May 24, 2009 4:09:18 PM

WORKS and supply minister Mike Mulongoti has authorised Dora Siliya's continued stay in a government house beyond the stipulated 15 days after one ceases to be minister.

In an interview, works and supply permanent secretary Lieutenant Colonel Bizwayo
Nkunika confirmed that Siliya, who resigned from her ministerial position last month, was still occupying a government house.

"Yes, I can confirm to you that she's still in a government house and has asked the Minister of Works and Supply [Mulongoti] to stay a little bit longer until she finds some other accommodation arrangements, and the minister has authorised," Lt Col Nkunika said. "I don't think this a constitutional matter, it's a regulation. You may recall this happened to [Zambia's envoy to China] Ambassador Lupando Mwape. When he lost his job, he was allowed to stay in the house for three months."

Nkunika said ministers of works and supply could use their discretion to allow former leaders like Cabinet ministers to stay in a government house longer than the stipulated 15 days.

Asked on the timeframe within which former ministers were supposed to hand over their government vehicles upon leaving office, Nkunika said the ministers could still hold on to their GRZ numbers, until they had fully paid for the vehicles if the intention was to buy them.

Asked if Siliya was still driving a GRZ vehicle, Nkunika responded: "You can come and see me at the office. I am going into a meeting."

Siliya resigned from her ministerial position last month after the judge Dennis Chirwa-chaired tribunal that was set up to probe her found that she breached Article 3 of the Constitution when she selected RP Capital Partners Limited to value Zamtel assets without following the advice from the Attorney General's chambers.

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