
Friday, May 15, 2009

FDD spokesperson resigns

FDD spokesperson resigns
Written by George Chellah
Friday, May 15, 2009 2:18:42 PM

OPPOSITION Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) has lost direction, party spokesperson Charles Banda has stated. And Banda stated that there is too much secrecy in the party especially where finances are concerned.

In a letter to FDD president Edith Nawakwi dated April 14, 2009, Banda stated that he had resigned from the party's National Policy Committee (NPC) and subsequently from the position of chairperson for information and publicity.

"...after carefully reviewing and holding exhaustive consultations with my family, friends and colleagues, it has become abundantly clear to me that I should give way to other members of the party to take over and help drive the party's agenda to achieve the intended goals for which it stands today," Banda stated. "In my view, the party has completely lost direction in that very few people are driving the whole process in a very selfish manner without due regard for the rest of the membership. There is intolerance in the FDD to the extent that any divergent views are translated to mean power struggle and rebellion."

Banda, who is also former FDD Kapoche member of parliament, stated that there was too much secrecy in the party especially where finances are concerned.

"Up to this day madam, despite several reminders and requests by other party members and myself the NPC has never received any financial reports regarding the money the party has been receiving from the Zambia Centre for Inter-Party Dialogue (ZCID) and other donors," Banda stated. "You have personally witnessed how violent some senior members of the FDD become when it comes to money issues, especially the ZCID funds. I am not going to be party to an arrangement where people will be personalising party finances. I am not going to be party to the legitimisation of abusing the party and its general membership for personal gain.

"The national policy committee will recall that the national secretary, Mr Newton Ng'uni promised to call up a meeting at which he himself would present financial reports. He promised that there was going to be physical fighting after presenting his financial reports. Whatever precipitated his anger I have waited for that day, unfortunately, it has not come."

He stated that the democracy that began with the party has faded away completely.

"What we have today is complete dictatorship. It is either this leader has said or that leader has decided that it be done in this or that way. Any other suggestions are met with hostility from the top most members of the NPC," Banda stated.

Banda also criticised and questioned the party's inclinations to the ruling MMD.

"I would rather my colleagues dissolved the party and joined the MMD than say we are in the opposition but supporting the ruling party. What are we opposing then?" asked Banda. "How do we hope to wrestle power from the MMD? How shall we present ourselves to the electorate in the event of another election?"

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