
Friday, May 15, 2009

(HERALD) 2 more MDC MPs face disciplinary action

2 more MDC MPs face disciplinary action
Herald Reporter

MDC has summoned two more Members of Parliament for disciplinary action for misconduct, bringing to five the number of party legislators similarly charged.

The MPs, however, suspect they are being targeted for disregarding the party line by voting for Mr Lovemore Moyo of MDC-T instead of Mr Paul Themba Nyathi, their party’s choice for the post of Speaker of the House of Assembly.

The latest to be summoned are Tsholotsho South House of Assembly Member Mr Maxwell Dube and Gwanda North House of Assembly Member Mr Thandeko Mkandla.

MDC spokesman Mr Edwin Mushoriwa confirmed the latest development, saying the chairperson of the party’s national disciplinary committee, Mr Lyson Mlambo, was handling the case.

"Yes, there are two more MPs who are being charged. The only difference from the other three is that they have not been suspended, they will have to defend themselves before the disciplinary committee," said Mr Mushoriwa.

Nkayi South House of Assembly Member Mr Abednico Bhebhe, Mr Njabuliso Mguni (Lupane East) and Mr Norman Mpofu (Bulilima East) have been suspended pending disciplinary action on allegations of bringing the party’s name into disrepute.

Also suspended are the party’s secretary for defence, Mr Job Sikhala, youth national chairperson Mr Gift Nyandoro and Matabeleland South provincial treasurer Mr Alex Goosen.

Mr Dube and Lupane Senator Dalumuzi Khumalo last week attended a gathering convened by Mr Mguni at Emlonyeni Ward in Lupane, in solidarity with their suspended colleagues.

At the rally, the suspended members lambasted the party leadership, accusing it of dictatorial tendencies.

They hinted that they would dump MDC and join MDC-T.

According to letters written to the two MPs, they are accused of engaging in unbecoming conduct.

Contacted for comment, Mr Mkandla said he had heard of the letter but was shocked by his party’s actions because he had not done anything warranting disciplinary action.

"Our office in Harare phoned me saying they have a letter for me and I asked a colleague in Bulawayo to collect it and he read it to me because I am in Harare. I am surprised because I don’t understand where all this is coming from," he said.

Mr Dube said he had not seen the letter but expressed surprise at the allegations.

"Someone from our office phoned me that there was a letter, I have not seen it. If it is true that the letter is about disciplinary action against me, I am shocked. I am not aware of the conduct that is being complained of, where it took place and the nature of such conduct," he said.

All the party members under probe, with exception of Mr Sikhala, have denied the allegations.

Under normal circumstances, there will be a by-election should the party decide to expel the legislators.

But the parties to the GPA agreed not to stand against each other in a by-election during the life of the inclusive Government.

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