
Friday, May 15, 2009

(HERALD) Local company contracted to de-mine Gonarezhou

Local company contracted to de-mine Gonarezhou
Herald Reporter

GOVERNMENT has contracted a local company to undertake a de-mining operation at Gonarezhou National Park and surrounding areas. The company, Mighty Hope Demining International, has already acquired one tonne of explosives worth US$30 000 to be used in the operation.

In an interview yesterday, the company’s president Mr Hatiwande Hama said they expected to start work on June 1. "We will be de-mining the areas between Sango Border Post in Chikombedzi and the Croc Corner," he said.

Mr Hama yesterday told Environment and Natural Resources Management Minister Francis Nhema that the company required more funds for the project.

Minister Nhema, who was addressing stakeholders on the Boundless Southern Africa Kingsley-Holgate Expedition, pledged Government’s support.

"We started de-mining in Victoria Falls and now we are moving into Gonarezhou National Park so that we can make our country safe.

"The army is carrying out the project from the other side and they have pledged to continue even though they had also expressed concern over the issue of resources," he said.

Minister Nhema said Government was currently looking for the resources so that the de-mining operation could be completed.

Gonarezhou National Park is located near Gonakudzingwa Prison where freedom fighters were incarcerated during the liberation struggle.

To stop them from escaping, the Ian Smith regime planted landmines near the prison.

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