
Sunday, May 24, 2009

(HERALD) Nothing beats homegrown solutions

Nothing beats homegrown solutions

ON Monday people across the continent celebrate the 46th anniversary of the founding of the predecessor of the African Union, the Organisation of African Unity that was formed on May 25 1963, to spearhead the decolonisation of the continent.

The OAU successfully brought about political independence and passed the baton to the AU to complete the lap of economic independence, and today we should all ask ourselves the steps we have taken to reverse the abysmal poverty on the continent.

How many of us have been brave enough to demand what is rightfully ours from those who dispossessed us in the past?

How many of us share the vision that was espoused by Ghana’s founding president, Dr Kwame Nkrumah on that historic day in Addis Ababa, 46 years ago, when he said Africa should marshal all its resources for the service of indigenous people not foreigners?

On Monday, leaders across the continent should ask themselves whether they have lived up to that vision that saw some of the founding fathers like Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Samora Moises Machel and Amilcar Cabral cut down in cold blood?

We Africans should ask why some of our leaders have become the darlings of western countries sworn to neo-colonial domination if they share the vision of these founding fathers?

It is regrettable that 46 years down the line, Africa can not agree on vital things like the proposed reform of the UN Security Council, with some leaders opting to sell out the continental position.

It is saddening that the continent still relies on the duplicitous western media for information dissemination, western prescriptions for development paradigms and alms for development projects.

We should ask why the AU, that is supposed to fight for economic independence, has many of its organs sponsored from western capitals when it is supposed to demand economic independence from the same?

So many questions beg an answer today and as we mark Africa Day on Monday, we should ask ourselves whether we deserve to celebrate, or self-flagellate.

At the same time we cannot ignore the steps that have been taken towards the fulfillment of the dream of a United States of Africa.

We hail the standing committee of Heads of State that was set up to expedite the creation of a United States of Africa by building on the synergies created by organs like the AU Peace and Security Council and the Pan African Parliament, and the foundation laid by the various regional economic communities.

We welcome plans for the establishment of an African Standby Force and a Central Bank of Africa to guarantee territorial and financial independence.

We call on African leaders to ensure that all these plans reach fruition so that the continent cannot continue relying on outsiders for the resolution of its challenges.

We in Zimbabwe, however, celebrate the lead taken by Sadc in resolving the political standoff that gripped our country over the past 10 years. This is a template the AU should use to resolve the multifaceted challenges confronting our continent.

Nothing beats homegrown solutions.

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