
Friday, May 29, 2009

(HERALD) Politburo sets up committees

Politburo sets up committees
By Fidelis Munyoro

ZANU-PF’S Politburo has set up a leadership committee to look into the procedure to be followed when dealing with succession, among other issues.

The party’s deputy secretary for information and publicity, Cde Ephraim Masawi, however, dismissed media claims that the issue of succession had divided the party saying the committee — one of five set up yesterday — did not mean the party was currently seized with the issue of succession.

‘‘We simply want to set the parameters to be followed whenever the party decides to select its top leadership, the procedure to be followed when talking about succession. Chii chinoda kuti chiitwe kana tava kuti tavakutaura nenyaya yesuccession,’’ he said.

The committee will also deal with issues of unity, discipline and the causes of alleged factionalism in Zanu-PF.

Cde Masawi, said the committee was one of five set up yesterday to deal with the pressing issues affecting the party.

All five committees will focus on thematic ideological issues namely: leadership, research, constitutional reform, economic policies, media and mobilisation strategies.

The leadership committee, chaired by party national chairman Cde John Nkomo, will look into the procedures to be followed when it comes to selecting people to occupy the highest offices in Zanu-PF.

"This committee is tasked to come up with ways to tackle these issues and report back to the Politburo," Cde Masawi said.

The Politburo is Zanu-PF’s highest decision-making body outside Congress.

The party is due to hold its next congress in December this year.

Zanu-PF secretary for administration Cde Didymus Mutasa will head the research committee and has been asked to come up with recommendations on the way forward on ideological issues.

"The party wants to claim a huge stake in the inclusive Government when it comes to economic issues. We want to make sure that the party has a bigger say as far as Government is concerned," he said.

The constitutional reform committee, which will be chaired by secretary for legal affairs Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa, will revisit the party constitution and see how it can be married with the national constitution.

It will have a sub-committee focusing on a code of conduct, which has to come up with recommendations on the

rules and regulations governing the conduct of party members.

Cde Masawi said this committee would also look at the viability of party structures from the grassroots level up to the top brass.

The welfare of the people, especially the disabled, would be the top priorities, Cde Masawi said.

Under the economic policies committee — to be chaired by party secretary for economic affairs Cde David Karimanzira — is the responsibility to come up with projects to benefit all Zimbabweans.

Its thrust will be to achieve 100 percent empowerment and indigenisation.

Cde Angeline Masuku — who is the Matabeleland South Governor — will head the media and mobilisation strategies committee, which is tasked with coming up with means of boosting the revolutionary party’s relationship with other revolutionary parties in Sadc and abroad.

Cde Masawi, however, quashed reports that there were divisions threatening to tear the party apart.

"Some people think we are divided but we are all united. The party is united," he said.

He said all the issues of factionalism and indiscipline would be dealt with and nipped in the bud, as the party was being re-organised and it would emerge stronger than before.

"What we are doing now clearly shows we are going back to the old Zanu-PF people know and in future we want to have the majority in Parliament," he said.

On the Global Political Agreement, Cde Masawi said the party was rallying behind the President and First Secretary’s position on the progress made thus far.

President Mugabe, he said, had briefed them on the state of affairs in the inclusive Government and they would proceed accordingly.

"We are rallying behind our principal. It’s not a big issue. There is nothing of concern that our principal has brought to our attention for discussion in our meeting today," he said.

MDC-T has been pushing for the ouster of Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Dr Gideon Gono and Attorney-General Mr Johannes Tomana claiming that this would confirm Zanu-PF’s commitment to the GPA.

However, President Mugabe, as well as senior party, State and military officials have made it clear that the central bank chief was going nowhere until he completed his second term.

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