
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

HH raised Mpombo from poverty, says Capt Moono

HH raised Mpombo from poverty, says Capt Moono
Written by Chibaula Silwamba
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 3:43:11 PM

HAKAINDE Hichilema raised George Mpombo from shackles of poverty in Masaiti village where he was drinking a local brew, opposition UPND chairperson for defence Captain Cosmas Moono revealed yesterday. And UPND youth national chairperson Joe Kalusa has challenged defence minister Mpombo to explain what he meant when he said UPND leader Hichilema will disappear from the Zambian political scene.

Reacting to Mpombo's reference to Hichilema as a spoiled child because of the latter's questioning of the mobile hospitals deal and his claim that President Rupiah Banda wanted a cut from the US $53 million deal, Capt Moono said UPND and Hichilema had greatly contributed to shape Mpombo's career, hence it was unfair for the Minister of Defence to demean the opposition leader.

"Mpombo should not say anything against HH because it is HH who has made him what he is. Mpombo was languishing in Masaiti village until UPND picked him as a councillor under [the late Anderson] Mazoka's leadership. The man was just wearing a grey suit with tropicals [flip-flops] and drinking local beer in the village. People were even reluctant to share beer with him until HH donated a Nissan Sentra, red in colour, which he was given and unfortunately, he didn't even know how to drive it. We had to teach him to drive that vehicle," Capt Moono explained.

"After that, we had problems to address public meetings with him because the man was not appealing in terms of appearance to the people in comparison with other candidates who were selected as councillors. HH donated money which we used to give Mpombo to buy the first suit. It was after he won these elections at council level that he became clean and MMD noticed him."

Capt Moono said Mpombo defected from the UPND and joined the governing MMD.

"In 2001, he became an MP on MMD ticket. [Therefore,] it is immoral for Mpombo to start insulting people of HH's calibre who he is supposed to kneel down and pray to," he said. "In fact, HH is a god for Mpombo here on earth because he is the one who resurrected him. He has no moral fibre to start talking against HH. These are the same UPND fellows who when they defect to MMD and they are given jobs, they become so big and forget where they came from."

He said Mpombo should realise that his government wanted to rape Zambia of its meagre resources by considering the purchasing of mobile hospitals.

"The mobile hospitals they are talking about are inappropriate technology to our country. It's not suitable. Chinese are not known to make durable equipment, durable vehicles. Therefore, with our roads, these equipment will not last," Capt Moono said. "So when HH is saying no to this idea, actually he is talking on behalf of all Zambians, especially the poor."

He wondered why President Banda was insisting that mobile hospitals were ‘a damn good idea.’

"The MMD government's insistence to push this project into our throat even when we are refusing leaves much to be desired," said Capt Moono. "In any case, why should the President become the chief buyer of the government? Where are the technocrats who have been employed to do these specific jobs? Since when have we got this culture where we have a President who is involved in every purchase?"

Over the weekend, Mpombo said Hichilema behaved liked a spoiled child not befitting a leader.

And Kalusa said the UPND was worried about Hichilema's life following Mpombo's remarks that he would disappear.

"We fear for the life of our president when they mention things like disappearing because people have disappeared before in unexplained circumstances. We don't want the same to happen to HH," Kalusa said. "You know Mpombo is in charge of defence and security. That worries us as UPND."

Kalusa also dared the government through the police to arrest Hichilema if they were convinced that he lied when he said President Banda and the MMD wanted a commission from the US$53 million [about K301 billion] mobile hospitals deal.

"We challenge Mpombo not to backpedal about his threats that HH will be arrested. What HH said is the truth. We are daring them to arrest him," said Kalusa. "The mobile hospital deal is a scandal and it needs to be probed."

Last week, Mpombo said Hichilema was an inconsequential political figure and he would disappear from the Zambian political scene just like a puff of smoke.

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