
Thursday, May 14, 2009

IFMIS funding partners reserve comments on Dr Lewanika probe

IFMIS funding partners reserve comments on Dr Lewanika probe
Written by Kabanda Chulu and Masuzyo Chakwe
Thursday, May 14, 2009 3:55:12 PM

COOPERATING Partners to Zambia who are funding the US $24 million-IFMIS project yesterday asked for more time to comment on the matter involving ACC investigations on newly-appointed Ambassador to Japan Dr Mbikusita Lewanika.

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is investigating former finance ministry permanent secretary Dr Lewanika over his appointing of managers to implement the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) contrary to the memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between the government of Zambia and cooperating partners.

But ACC public relations manager Timothy Moono said the Commission was not investigating Dr Lewanika but the IFMIS management of the project

When asked for a comment on the matter, Finland Ambassador to Zambia Sinikka Antila said IFMIS was a good programme that should be quickly implemented to ensure public financial management and accountability.

"This is an important project for the country and it should be quickly and fully implemented to enhance public sector financial management and accountability but on the investigations I do not have enough details since our economic team handles that and the person in charge is away in Finland hence we can comment next week when he is back," Ambassador Antila said.

Swedish Ambassador to Zambia Lars Ronnas asked for more time to understand what was happening relating to the project.

"Right now, I cannot comment because I have to learn more especially the new revelations about the project and what it will entail for us but get in touch later," Ambassador Ronnas said.

However, Netherlands Ambassador to Zambia Harry Molennar said the government of Zambia and the team leader for cooperating partners was responsible for the project.

"We have provided funding, yes, but I have no comment and the government should do that, also the team leader for cooperating partners can also make some comments," Ambassador Molennar said.

Efforts to get comment from Secretary to the Treasury Likolo Ndalamei and Public Expenditure Management and Financial Accountability (PEMFA) programme director, Haggai Kamwenda, proved futile as they were reportedly in a meeting at the Ministry of Finance.

The ACC are investing Dr Lewanika for appointing civil servants Joel Ukwimi, Innocent Mututa and Francis Mwale, as IFMIS managers without following guidelines such as advertising for the vacancies and informing the cooperating partners, who are supposed to issue a notice of objection or no objection when IFMIS managers were recruited.

Speaking in Lusaka yesterday, Moono denied that the ACC was investigating Dr Lewanika but the management of the project and also refuted that ACC acting director general Rosewin Wandi confirmed the investigations.

But during the ACC media briefing last month, when asked about progress on investigations involving Dr Lewanika's activities at IFMIS project, Wandi confirmed the investigations.

"But I do not think it is fair to divulge further details because that will jeopardise the inquiry, but the inquiry is open and on going," said Wandi.

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