
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kaingu causes laughter by refering to ‘misquoted’ story before NCC

Kaingu causes laughter by refering to ‘misquoted’ story before NCC
Written by Ernest Chanda and Katwishi Bwalya
Sunday, May 17, 2009 3:56:10 PM

COMMUNITY development minister Michael Kaingu on Friday caused laughter when he rose on a point of order claiming that he was misquoted by The Post in that particular day's lead story, but ended up reading what was quoted by the paper.

This was when the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) delegates had just gone back to debate Article 311 (3) of the public finance committee report which compels the government to lay on the table of the National Assembly, terms and conditions of any loan they want to contract.

The clause was deferred earlier in the week and was brought back after other matters were debated.

As he stood up with a copy of The Post in his hands, some delegates started laughing before Kaingu could utter a word. This prompted Kaingu to say 'Aaa!' in order to keep the audience quiet. The remark invited more laughter from the audience. Kaingu was however made to withdraw the 'aaa' remark by NCC chairperson Chifumu Banda. He quickly withdrew the remark and went ahead with his point of order.

"Mr chairman, I stand on a point of order. I have a copy of The Post newspaper where I have been misquoted. I did not say what this newspaper is saying in the headline, and since we are being recorded here, I have a copy of verbatim," he said.

Kaingu went on to read the verbatim of his Tuesday debate, but he later ended up reading the same quotes used in The Post story.

At this point some of the delegates were seen nodding their heads, while others were still laughing.

And other people sitting near these reporters were heard saying, "but what he has just read is not different from what is published in the story."

In his ruling, Banda said Kaingu was not quoted in the proper context.

Banda promised to make a more detailed ruling later but he did not. The NCC sittings were adjourned to next Tuesday afternoon.

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