
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kunda hails role of accountants in fight against corruption

Kunda hails role of accountants in fight against corruption
Written by Mutale Kapekele
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 3:40:01 PM

VICE-PRESIDENT George Kunda yesterday said the country needs highly qualified accountants to promote transparency and accountability in public resource management. And Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) vice-president Brendan Murtagh has commended Zambian students for frequently featuring on the list of the organisationís top performers.

During the donation of mealie-meal worth K10 million by the ACCA at the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) in Lusaka, Vice-President Kunda said accountants had a major role to play in the fight against corruption.

“I am aware that ACCA has been working closely with the Auditor General’s office and Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA) among others in promoting the accounting profession in Zambia,” Vice-President Kunda said. “This is encouraging as professional bodies, such as ACCA, should promote good corporate governance if we are to achieve a corrupt-free nation and promote transparency. This country needs highly qualified accountants to promote transparency and accountability even in public resource management.”

The Vice-President said ACCA qualified accounting professionals in Zambia should be commended for ‘exerting enormous positive impact on the economy both in industry and financial institutions’.

And Murtagh disclosed that Zambian ACCA students had continued to feature on the list of top performers in the organisation’s examinations.

“Today, we have more than 1,000 qualified Zambian members and 8,500 students which means that Zambia is among the top 20 largest markets which ACCA serves around the world and is of great importance to us,” Murtagh said. ìThis importance is not just about the number of members and students in the country, but also their high quality. Zambian students frequently feature on the list of top performers in our examinations. Given that we now have 362,000 students in 170 countries, this is a great achievement.”

He also commended accounting professionals for choosing to work in the country after the completion of their studies.

“Most of our Zambian affiliates and new members choose to work in the country and in doing so, have contributed significantly to productivity over the years,” he said.

Murtagh is in Zambia to attend the third annual conference of ACCA which opens today.

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