
Monday, May 25, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) Africa is not completely free - Father Pikiti

Africa is not completely free - Father Pikiti
Monday, May 25, 2009, 13:32 Econo

A Catholic priest in Kasama says Africa up to now is not practically free despite many countries gaining Political Independence from their colonial masters.

Saint Johns Parish Priest Fr. Rudolf Pikiti in his morning homily at cathedral church in Kasama today said most African countries are not practically free because they still depend on Western countries to service them financially.

Father Pikiti observed that even if most countries were independent, some African natives mistreat their fellow Africans due to positions they hold in the society.

He called on Africans to remain united and fight for peace to gain economic and social independence to make Africa a better continent admired by the Western world.

Father Pikiti expressed concern over some developed countries which have decided to withdraw medical aid to Zambia due to the loss of the K10billion in Ministry of Health because many innocent people’s lives are going to be lost.

He also called on Zambians to join hands in developing the nation on the principle of love for each other.He said freedom fighters liberated the nation and lost their lives in the hope of a better nation.

The Parish Priest urged Christians to pray hard for its national leaders not to be selfish but to work hard to serve their people in order to develop the nation.

He also urged Zambians to strive to work hard and attain economic independence to enable the nation fends for its self in all its needs.

Father Pikiti pointed out that freedom fighters who died would not forgive Zambians if they would not put their efforts to better the nation.

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