
Saturday, May 02, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) Govt calls for a halt to comments over the closure of Albidon Nickel mine

Govt calls for a halt to comments over the closure of Albidon Nickel mine
Saturday, May 2, 2009, 12:23

Government has cautioned politicians to desist from issuing negative statements about the closure of Albidon Munali Nickel mine in Mazabuka.

Youth, Sport and Development minister Kenneth Chipungu said in Mazabuka today that government is concerned with the negative reports about the mine, particularly from some opposition parties.

He said it does not make sense for the opposition to criticise government over the closure of the mine when negotiations between government and the new investor over the taking over of operations have reached an advanced stage.

Mr. Chipungu said the negative reports if left unchecked could scare away investors who have shown interest to take over operations at the only Nickel mine in the country.

He said there is need for the opposition to support government efforts meant to find a reliable investor who will revive operations and ensure people who lost jobs are re-employed.

Mr Chipungu said a Chinese investor whom he did not name has shown interest to take over the running of the mine.

All the staff at the mine have since been retrenched and paid their terminal benefits.

The mine has since been put under care and maintenance.

Meanwhile, Mr. Chipungu has expressed disappointment with the negative response by youths in seeking to access funds under the Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC).

Mr Chipungu said in Mazabuka yesterday when he addressed youths at Mazabuka BOMA that government might consider withdrawing the money and channel the funds to other sectors of economy if Zambians are not interested in applying for the funds.

He was shocked to learn that many youths in Mazabuka had not applied for the funds when government had relaxed conditions on how to access the funds.

Mr Chipungu said in order for the youths and other people to access the funds, government has scrapped the application of fee of K 50,000.

He said this meant that people accessing CEEC application forms would not be required to pay for the forms..

Mr Chipungu also charged that it was regrettable to note that the K 10 Billion CEEC fund was still lying idle in the bank because people are not interested in applying for the funds.

And Speaking at the same function, Mazabuka District Commissioner, Tyson Hamaamba told the meeting that 23 applications have been approved for field appraisal by the CEEC while 31 have had their applications rejected for failing to meet the set conditions.

Mr. Hamaamba however said the rejected applicants had been given a second chance to perfect their business plans and correct other issues of raised by the appraisal team.

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