
Friday, May 15, 2009


JCTR applauds the NCC
Friday, May 15, 2009, 14:12

The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) has welcomed recommendations from the Public Finance Committee of the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) about water-tightening the Parliamentary oversight in debt contraction.

Parliamentary oversight entails that Parliament will, by legal mandate, scrutinize, debate, approve, and limit the loans the ministry of Finance and National Planning will raise for the nation.

JCTR Programme Officer for Debt and Public Resource Monitoring Privilege Haang’andu explains that the move would ensure that Parliament takes into account debt sustainability and the needs of the country in every given financial year.

Mr. Haang’andu said in Lusaka today that this is a significant step towards realizing a Zambia free from a debt trap.

Mr. Haang’andu further said that the management of debt resources should be re-looked at to determine how honest and transparent the country has been in expending debt recourses.

He said it is worrying to note that the Auditor General’s report for 2007 exposes a lot of fiscal leakages and indiscipline.

Mr. Haang’andu observed that until measures are taken against those culpable of those huge misappropriations and theft, the country has a long way in ensuring that borrowed resources benefit all Zambians, especially the poor.

He said Zambians need assurance that their financial resources are being put to good use.

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