
Saturday, May 02, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) MMD slams impeachment maneuvers

MMD slams impeachment maneuvers

Friday, May 1, 2009, 20:53 Politics 490 views 43 comments The ruling MMD in Lusaka Province has strongly condemned efforts being made to try and impeach President Rupiah Banda.

Provincial Chairman Cleophas Chimembe says the scheme will not succeed as the republican president was elected and mandated by the people of Zambia to rule the nation.

Mr. Chimembe told ZANIS in an interview that such actions are meant to disrupt the peace and tranquility the nation is currently enjoying.

He charged that failed politicians are trying to incite Zambians to rise against the government through civil disobedience and other such anti social activities which are against the norms of democracy.

Mr Chimembe warned that such actions are treasonable under the law and urged law enforcement agencies to move in quickly and arrest the perpetrators before they cause any serious damage.

Mr Chimembe said all well meaning Zambians should give their full and unquestionable popular support to President Banda.

He appealed to Zambians to take note of civil wars taking place in some African countries adding that Zambians risk falling in the same trap if the current peace is lost.

The Lusaka Province MMD Chairman also appealed to opposition political party leaders to show maturity by accepting in totality the verdict of the people and learn to engage constructively with the government of the day.

He said it is regrettable that some opposition leaders are only out to fight the government when the truth of the matter is that the MMD Government has implemented many serious and effective programmes which are benefiting the majority of Zambians.

The Lusaka Province MMD Chairman said the MMD general membership is solidly behind President Banda and will do whatever it takes to protect the presidency and the nation.

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