
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Masebo requests Chongwe residents to find land for depot

Masebo requests Chongwe residents to find land for depot
Written by Moses Kuwema
Wednesday, May 06, 2009 2:54:05 PM

CHONGWE member of parliament Sylvia Masebo has urged people in her constituency to start identifying land for a depot where buyers can easily access their agricultural products.

During a tour of the World Vision-funded projects in Kabeleka area on Monday, Masebo said this will also enable the villagers to avoid walking long distances in search of markets for their produce.

“Millers will be coming here and they should find the depot where they will buy maize from so that you don’t have to go anywhere,” Masebo said.

She said the availability of depots in the area would also result in villagers not falling prey to briefcase businessmen.

“Chongwe is an agriculture area...people here were born agriculturists, there is development in Kabeleka and that’s how Soliland used to be, so once you have these depots, briefcase businessmen will not easily exploit you,” Masebo said.

“I am aware that the feeder roads in the area are in a bad state and now we are going into the marketing season, that is why a grader has been allocated to our district and this will make it easy for the roads to be graded soon.”

Masebo also said she was happy that women in her constituency were in the forefront in fostering development.

“I am happy that women are the ones managing the hammer mill which is part of the World Vision projects and it is good that men of Kabeleka are gender-sensitive and so as a woman MP, next time you have a problem, I will come in,” Masebo said.

She thanked the government and World Vision Zambia for the various projects that had been brought to her constituency.

“I want to thank you the men here for allowing the women to be involved in various projects,” Masebo said.

During the same tour, Masebo also donated K 1.7 million for electricity at the market in Kabeleka area.

Among the projects Masebo toured included Kabeleka middle basic school, the rural health post and poultry projects.

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