
Friday, May 08, 2009

MDC loses patience with process of inclusive govt

MDC loses patience with process of inclusive govt
Written by Kingsley Kaswende in Harare, Zimbabwe
Friday, May 08, 2009 4:36:02 PM

THE MDC has issued an ultimatum to the inclusive government demanding that all outstanding issues in the Global Political Agreement be dealt with by Monday next week.

This appeared to be the first admission by the MDC in nearly two months that the process of implementing the political agreement that established an inclusive government was slow and that things were not going on smoothly.

MDC secretary general Tendai Biti, who is also the finance minister in the inclusive government, warned that if the principals fail to meet Monday's deadline, his party would refer the issue to its supreme-making decision body, the National Council, which will meet in 10 days time.

But ZANU PF said it was unfortunate that the MDC had set a deadline when "negotiations were going on smoothly."

"It is unfortunate that the MDC-Tsvangirai is now setting deadlines and issuing out ultimatums. I am informed that a lot of progress has been achieved. Negotiations are not and should not be subjected to ultimatums and deadlines," ZANU PF deputy spokesman Ephraim Masawi said.

The issues that remain unresolved are the appointments of provincial governors, permanent secretaries, ambassadors, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Gideon Gono and the Attorney General, Johannes Tomana.

Also needing urgent discussion and resolution is the fact that President Robert Mugabe is allegedly still refusing to swear in Roy Bennett as deputy agriculture minister, and the fact that President Mugabe unilaterally decided to remove the Communications department of the information ministry away from MDC's Nelson Chamisa.

"Bennett is innocent until proven guilty. According to the agreement, which is now part of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, Mugabe has no powers to refuse to swear-in Bennett after being nominated by the MDC," Biti said.

Biti also lashed out at the service chiefs for failing to respect the office of the Prime Minister.

Biti said the service chiefs had shown reluctance to respect Tsvangirai during the Independence Day celebrations and at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair.

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