
Sunday, May 10, 2009

MMD cadres vow to continue harassing Post journalists

MMD cadres vow to continue harassing Post journalists
Written by Ernest Chanda
Sunday, May 10, 2009 5:22:01 PM

LUSAKA Province MMD youth chairman Chris Chalwe on Friday declared that physical discipline will continue to be meted on Post journalists as long as the newspaper continues to insult President Rupiah Banda.

Responding to a question on whether it was the party leadership's special instruction to cadres to beat up Post reporters whenever they were covering President Banda, Chalwe said although it was not a special instruction, members would continue to harass Post reporters. Chalwe, who had just seen off President Banda at the Lusaka International Airport, offered to take the question which was initially directed to information minister Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha.

"My brother [the] first thing I will tell you is that, even today in The Post Mr. [Amos] Malupenga [Post managing editor] has petitioned the President. Mr Malupenga should first put his house in order. He must put his Post house in order. For as long as you [The Post] continue insulting the President and those other people who insult the President, physical discipline will continue being meted out," Chalwe vowed, amidst shouts of solidarity from MMD cadres who surrounded him and this reporter. "This is not a special instruction, what we are saying is that some of you the press are in the habit of twisting stories. We are not trying to stop you from doing your job. You have got a duty to disseminate the information to the public or to the community at large. But you are always in the habit of twisting stories. You should report correctly."

Chalwe, who did not state which stories were twisted, vowed that party cadres would continue with the action if the media were twisting stories.

"If you are to criticize you criticise constructively, not to be insulting every now and then. This is a brotherly advice we are giving you, you can take it or leave it. As long as you continue insulting physical discipline will continue," Chalwe said as cadres shouted all the more, "nvela, nvela, akamba chairman [listen, listen, the chairman has spoken]."

When asked why the cadres could not use the courts or other avenues as the best way of seeking justice for the alleged insults on President Banda, Chalwe refused to answer but promised that he would talk more when the President returns on today.

As Chalwe walked away together with this reporter, the cadres followed with some of them shouting, "osa lemba va boza apa, ulembe cabe vamene bakuuza ba chairman [don't write untruths, just write as the chairman as spoken]."

Since the beginning of this year, MMD cadres have waged a physical war on Post reporters. Post photographer Thomas Nsama has twice been physically attacked this year in his bid to cover President Banda.

On the other hand Copperbelt Post reporters Mutuna Chanda and Abigail Chaponda have also suffered the wrath of MMD cadres.

Last week, Post journalist George Chellah and photographer Eddie Mwanaleza were physically harassed and chased at Lusaka City Airport where they had gone to cover President Banda's return from a state visit to Zimbabwe.

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