
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mutharika threatens to chase away defiant tobacco buyers

Mutharika threatens to chase away defiant tobacco buyers
Written by Christopher Miti in Chipata
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 3:37:43 PM

MALAWIAN President Bingu wa Mutharika on Monday threatened to chase away tobacco buyers who are defying his orders that tobacco be purchased at the set floor prices. Early this year, President Mutharika announced that the prices of tobacco should range between US $2.15 and US $3.09 per kilogramme, but some tobacco buyers were buying the commodity at lower prices.

During his abrupt visit to Lilongwe Auction Floors, President Mutharika said it was sad that many people had been growing tobacco for the past 20 years but that their efforts were not seen because of the exploitative prices that tobacco buyers offered.

“Farmers are not benefiting from their tobacco but the tobacco buyers are building houses and they are also buying vehicles and planes at the expense of the farmers. For how long are we going to accept this? That is the reason why I have come abruptly because if I had promised, the buyers would have increased the prices to cheat me that they were offering good prices,” President Mutharika said.

He said it was unfortunate that the buyers were buying the commodity at low prices and resold at higher prices to make huge profits.

“I want to know those whites who want to be providing exploitative prices, I will remove [them] from this country even if they say their company has been in Malawi, they will move away from this country so long they steal from us, let them know that we get our income from tobacco, without it, we can’t [do] anything but they are stealing from us. They shouldn’t cheat you that we will not find people to buy our tobacco,” President Mutharika said.

He promised to continue fighting for better crop prices for the farmers in that country.

“From now onwards, I want to see change in the prices. Those that will not follow the set prices will go, they will leave this country,” said President Mutharika who is seeking re-election in the May 19 general elections.

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