
Thursday, May 14, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Malawi govt plans opposition assassination

Malawi govt plans opposition assassination
Binton Mulamba 14 May, 2009 02:15:00

Malawian leader Bingu wa Mutharika has instructed his state house chief commandant Mukhito Phiri to carry out a series of assassination schemes targeting prominent opposition politicians before Tuesday's polls, Nyasa Times can reveal.

The targeted opposition leaders include MCP/UDF coalition presidential candidate John Tembo, his running mate Brown Mpinganjira and former president Bakili Muluzi.

Others targeted are MCP secretary-general Chris Daza, Friday Jumbe, Kennedy Makwangwala, Hophmally Makande, Kamlepo Kalua, Humphrey Mvula, retired Army and police chiefs Joseph Chimbayo and Joseph Aironi respectively.

The idea according to impeccable sources in the presidency has been designed to fight any potential resistance that would stop Mutharika from being re-elected.

Currently Mutharika is facing a formidable force from Tembo whose presidential ambitions have been boosted following endorsement from politically acclaimed ‘King maker’ Muluzi.

Our source whose identity is only known to us contended that Mutharika who is destined for a shocking defeat after the elections has warranted the assassination plot.

Said he: “What will happen is that the assassinations will be carried out separately and they'll be viewed as an accident but the aim is to target opposition leaders some of them include Tembo, Muluzi, Mpinganjira, Jumbe, Mvula, Daza and several others.

“Some of the assailants have been hired from Zimbabwe they are already here in Malawi about five of them and I'm told two of them were behind the foiled assassination attempt on Zimbabwe premier Morgan Tsvangirai that resulted into the killing of his wife. All the plots will be done before the elections,” added the source.

Southern region police officials refused to comment and pleaded with this reporter not to publish as it might insinuate civil strife and unnecessary tension in the run up to the polls.

Government spokesperson said the allegations are unsubstantiated and lack merit. She therefore added that it would be like dignifying the 'malicious allegations' if she decides to comment.

“That's utter nonsense and can't respond to basing on a rumour I'm sorry, but we know this has been stemmed by the opposition leaders to seek public sympathy,” said the outspoken government mouthpiece.

MCP spokesman Ishmael Chafukila and UDF spokesperson Rob Jameison could not immediately comment.

The plot to assassinate the opposition leaders comes just a day after governing DPP supporters dispersed UDF supporters and stoned vehicles carrying Muluzi who wanted to hold a campaign rally at Goliati trading centre in Thyolo on Tuesday.

It is reported that the irate DPP supporters were ferried to the venue by vehicles belonging to deputy Finance minister Charles Mchacha. Goliati is the home of Mutharika where he has also built a three storey state-of the-art residence.

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