
Friday, May 01, 2009

PF threatens to expel Msiska

PF threatens to expel Msiska
Written by Katwishi Bwalya, Mwala Kalaluka, Diniwe Mumba and Agness Changala
Friday, May 01, 2009 2:39:23 PM

PATRIOTIC Front vice-president Guy Scott has warned that the party will expel its councillor, Charles Msiska, for defying the party’s directive not to challenge Robert Chikwelete for the position of mayor for the City of Lusaka. And Chikwelete narrowly beat ‘rebel’ councillor Msiska by one vote to become the new Lusaka mayor.

But local government minister Ben Tetamashimba has postponed the installation of the new mayor for Lusaka to May 29, 2009.

Meanwhile, MMD Chasunsu ward councillor Dominic Katwishi on Tuesday went through unopposed as new Mansa mayor.

In an interview after Chikwelete was declared winner of the mayoral elections, Dr Scott said when the matter of the defiant councillors is tabled before the party, Msiska and new Lusaka deputy mayor, Davison Mulenga, who is Chawama ward two PF councillor, would be expelled.

“I am just predicting because I m not the disciplinary officer for PF but I am giving you a prediction that when this matter comes before the attention of the party, they will be expelled,” he said.

Dr Scott said attempts by the ruling MMD to take over the control of the Lusaka City Council by sponsoring Msiska were all in vain.

Chikwelete polled 19 votes against Msiska’s 18.

And Msiska has called for calm among the PF leadership, saying expelling him was not necessary at the moment.

“I gave him [Chikwelete] a good run so I am very happy and I am not a bitter person and I must not be misunderstood that this is insubordination or that I am being defiant but it is a matter of trying to set the records right and perfect,” said Msiska.

And councillors took town clerk Timothy Hakuyu to task to explain why Tetamashimba had postponed the installations of the new mayor which was to take place on Wednesday.

This was after Hakuyu had informed the councillors that the installation ceremony would only take place on May 29, 2009.

“The minister would be in a position to explain,” said Hakuyu as councillors shouted “Teta ayambako”.

And Mansa town clerk Bwaanga Kapumpa said in an interview that Katwishi went through unopposed at the elections that took place at Mansa Council.

Katwishi said his election as Mansa mayor was exciting.

"Winning is all the time exciting," he said.

Katwishi said he wanted to use his position to provide better services to the people of Mansa.

But PF Bahati Constituency secretary Jewis Chabi said councillors from the opposition party walked out of the conference room where the elections for the new Mansa mayor were being held because they were outnumbered.

Chabi said the election of Katwishi was undemocratic.

He also complained that the PF was placed at a disadvantage because four out of its eight councilors could not take part in the electoral process due to a myriad of circumstances.

Chabi explained that one PF councilor died in December last year while the other one was jailed in the same period but that no by-elections had been conducted in the two wards since then.

And Mongu Municipal Council acting town clerk Frank Kalenga was forced to apologise to a sizeable crowd that went to witness the installation of new Mongu mayor Shalala Simushi and his deputy Pereira Francisco after the event was postponed.

Kalenga said the installation of the mayor and his deputy could not take place because President Banda had not cleared the guest of hounour, local government and housing deputy minister, John Chinyanta.

And during the installation of new Choma mayor, Tennyson Hajongola and his deputy Simon Mpasela, defence deputy minister Eustackio Kazonga called on the Ministry of Local Government and Housing to appoint auditors to scrutinise the utilisation of funds in councils on an annual basis.

Kazonga noted with sadness that some audit reports in some councils were quite bad.

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