
Thursday, May 21, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Only two issues outstanding: PM

Only two issues outstanding: PM
Ralph Mutema
Thu, 21 May 2009 12:11:00 +0000

MOST disagreements within Zimbabwe's inclusive Government have been resolved and deadlock remains only on the posts of central bank governor and attorney general, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai said at a press conference on Thursday.

Tsvangirai and MDC faction leader Professor Arthur Mutambara joined President Robert Mugabe in the inclusive Government in February this year.

Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Dr Misheck Sibanda announced Wednesday that all permanent secretaries appointed by President Mugabe earlier this year will be reinstated as they were not appointed on a partisan basis.

PM Tsvangirai reiterated this statement: "We went through each one of the persons proposed and satisfied ourselves that they were suitable in terms of experience and qualifications."

"We do not believe that civil servants should be appointed on a partisan basis, so there will be no civil servant from the MDC or Zanu PF," added Tsvangirai.

On the issue of ambassadors, it was agreed that the MDC will submit names of individuals to be trained for Ambassadorial appointments.

"At the same time, an audit will be conducted to identify potential openings for new Ambassadors.

"These new appointments will be filled using a formula to be agreed upon. In the meantime, there are five Ambassadorial posts vacant which will be filled by the two MDC formations in the following ration, MDC-T, 4, MDC-M, 1."

On the issue of provincial governors, the principals agreed that, "In accordance with the formula agreed between the negotiators for the respective parties, namely, 5 for MDC-T, 4 for Zanu PF and 1 for MDC-M, the Provincial Governors will be sworn in at the soonest opportunity."

The three principals have agreed that Roy Bennett will be sworn in as Deputy Minister of Agriculture before or on the day of swearing in of the Provincial Governors.

On the issue of the re-appointment of the Reserve Bank Governor Dr Gideon Gono and the appointment of the Attorney General Johannes Tomana, the PM said those appointments were in violation of the GPA and therefore remained subjects for debate.

"The Reserve Bank Governor and the Attorney General are senior government appointments and yet, in breach of the Memorandum of Understanding, the GPA and the Reserve Bank Act, Gideon Gono was reappointed on 26th November 2008.

"The Attorney General, Johannes Tomana was appointed by President Mugabe on 17th December 2008, again in breach of the MOU and the GPA," said Tsvangirai.

The PM said he, however, remains committed to ensuring the success of the inclusive Government and called on all parties to demonstrate their commitment to the same by abiding by the letter and spirit of the Global Political Agreement for the good of Zimbabwe and all its citizens.

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