Monday, May 11, 2009

UPND won’t accept Muyanda’s tribalism, says Chidyaka

UPND won’t accept Muyanda’s tribalism, says Chidyaka
Written by George Zulu in Monze
Monday, May 11, 2009 11:57:12 PM

UPND will not accept the tribalism being perpetrated by Sinazongwe UPND member of parliament Raphael Muyanda, party provincial vice-chairperson John Chidyaka has said.

And the Patriotic Front (PF) in Southern Province has challenged Southern Province minister Daniel Munkombwe and Muyanda to respect the Catholic Church leadership than to entangle the Church in the failures of government.

Commenting on Muyanda’s accusations that the Catholic Church was dividing the nation by the use of Bemba during sermons at Lusaka’s Makeni parish, Chidyaka said it was a great mistake for Muyanda to issue such statements because he was not a party spokesperson.

“No we are not going to support that statement from Hon Muyanda, it was a mistake on his part, he is not the party spokesperson so whatever he said did not reflect the party position, manifesto and constitution on the matter, we shall not accept tribalism as UPND and by the way, we are working very well with the church in the province,” he said.

Chidyaka said people should not judge UPND from the sentiments made by some of the party’s members of Parliament as they did that in their personal capacity. He warned UPND members to be careful with their use of words.

Chidyaka said the UPND had a party manifesto and constitution which guided and directed the way forward on various national matters, adding that statements that put the party in danger and ridicule would not be condoned and promoted.

“In the past, UPND has been viewed as a tribal party, but we have to assure our members across the country that we shall not tolerate any of our members to issue statements or even comment on issues which might destabilise the organisation and peace in the nation, people and our leaders should now start preaching healing and unity of the country than spending time to gang people against each other,” Chidyaka said.

He said there was need for the people to seek leadership that would be above tribal politics, language and regionalism.

“As the party, we need the church for proper governance, for divine guidance, spiritual growth and sight to run this country, so we appeal to our leaders to be very careful with the use of words, especially times like now when Zambia is going through difficult times we need unification, it is regrettable that our MP could have said that in exercising freedom of opinion but it is not necessary,” said Chidyaka.

And PF Southern Province coordinator Opper Hamiyanze challenged Munkombwe and Muyanda to respect the Catholic Church leadership.

Hamiyanze said the continuous attacks of Catholic Church priests by senior government officials and some opposition political leaders were not right.

He said the recent remark by Munkombwe that he did not want a priest who was a lunatic, promoting anarchy and dividing the nation, in an apparent reference to former Radio Icengelo station manager Fr Frank Bwalya, was unnecessary.

“Mr Munkombwe should learn to tell the truth who is dividing the nation, we know that he is an old man who has little to offer to the nation, no wonder even MMD did not adopt him as a candidate because there is nothing that he can offer to the people, he should not

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