
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Zambia’s weak implementation affects access to World Bank funds

Zambia’s weak implementation affects access to World Bank funds
Written by Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Saturday, May 23, 2009 7:40:09 AM

ZAMBIA fails to access more funding from World Bank through the International Development Association (IDA) owing to the country’s weak implementation effectiveness. This is according to the latest annual Country Portfolio Performance Review (CPPR) held between the government and the World Bank on May 14, 2009.

IDA portfolio in the country currently has total net commitments of US $305 million for ten interventions, of which 52 per cent has already been disbursed.

World Bank country communications specialist Jumbe Ngoma, who announced this in a statement released yesterday, stated that the objective of the CPPR was to assess the performance of the International Development Association (IDA) portfolio in Zambia with a view to improving implementation effectiveness.

“It was observed that the performance of the portfolio has improved over the past two years due to the government’s commitment to resolve bottlenecks quickly,” the statement read in part. “…however, Zambia's performance in relation to other countries could be enhanced further, in order to have a higher Country Performance Rating (CPR) and therefore, a higher IDA allocation. The government and the World Bank agreed to scrutinise a list of issues identified during the CPPR and prepare an action plan that would guide implementation support to the IDA projects.”

And commenting on development, Ministry of Finance and National Planning acting permanent secretary for Financial Management and Administration Berlin Msiska appreciated the process of identifying the bottlenecks and the mapping of how to deal with them effectively.

“I am pleased with the frank exchange of ideas that has taken place today. We therefore need to ensure that the shared ideas are integrated into the management of each project under the World Bank auspices in order to improve effectiveness,” said Msiska.

And World Bank country manager Dr Kapil Kapoor said that he was pleased with the focus of the review and that successful implementation was what would bring results.

“We must bear in mind that these resources are loans, even though they carry high grant element of 70 per cent, they need to be repaid by Zambia,” said Dr Kapoor. “As such, it is important that we show the impact of the projects. The impact will only be appreciated if the poverty levels are reduced.”

The CPPR was co-chaired by Secretary to the Treasury Likolo Ndalamei, officials from Ministry of Finance, Dr Kapoor, several permanent secretaries and other senior government and World Bank officials.

The next CPPR meeting is scheduled for 2011.

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