
Friday, May 08, 2009

ZNUT urges extension of teacher recruitment deadline

ZNUT urges extension of teacher recruitment deadline
Written by Masuzyo Chakwe
Friday, May 08, 2009 4:54:03 PM

THE Zambia National Union of Teachers (ZNUT) has appealed to the Ministry of Education to extend the deadline for the recruitment of teachers to give enough time for would be applicants to receive the information and submit their applications.

Welcoming the announcement by the Ministry of Education on the intention to recruit basic and high school teachers for rural areas, ZNUT director for public relations and international affairs Jose Phiri said this process was supported especially that there were many schools both in rural, remote and urban areas that had inadequate number of teachers when hundreds of teachers were roaming the streets.

Phiri urged the ministry to adequately prepare for the recruitment in terms of settling-in allowances, housing allowances and rural hardship allowances.

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