
Thursday, June 18, 2009

80,000 benefit from Zain’s empowerment programme

80,000 benefit from Zain’s empowerment programme
Written by Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Thursday, June 18, 2009 11:02:25 PM

ZAIN Zambia Plc has announced that 80, 000 people with business tools
countrywide have been empowered through the company’s ongoing 1 Kwacha Che! campaign launched a month ago, according to a statement released yesterday.

Zain Zambia stated that through its 1 Kwacha che! campaign, it intended to bridge the communication gap experienced by the local population in the lower income brackets by ensuring that they had access to a mobile business tool.

It stated that through this ongoing campaign, the company remained optimistic about reaching those Zambians who might not afford the current high mobile phone prices in different parts of the country.

And commenting on the development, Zain Zambia Plc managing director David Holliday said the company had taken up part of the retail cost for the phones to ensure every Zambian was able to communicate and do business using the mobile tool.

“We are concerned about limitations posed by the digital divide that majority of the Zambian population is still experiencing. To address this, we introduced this project where millions of Zambians can acquire a mobile business tool at K1 only,” said Holliday.

According to the terms of the 1 Kwacha che! offer, any customer purchasing a brand new Nokia 1202 at K170, 000 or Motorola W160 at K85, 000, would get their money back through monthly air time top ups to their handset for 12 months until there is only K1.00 outstanding from the total purchase price of their phone.

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