
Thursday, June 04, 2009

Chungu put on defence in forgery case

Chungu put on defence in forgery case
Written by Maluba Jere
Thursday, June 04, 2009 11:35:44 PM

KABWE senior resident magistrate Joshua Banda has found former Zambia Security Intelligence Services (ZSIS) director general Xavier Chungu with a case to answer in a matter where he is charged with forgery. This is in a matter where Chungu is, on the first count, charged with forgery.

It is alleged that Chungu on dates unknown but between October 1, 2003 and November 30, 2003 in Lusaka with intent to deceive, did forge passport number ZH 88471 purporting to show that it was issued properly when in fact not.

On the second count, he is charged with falsifying a document contrary to Section 352 of the Penal Code CAP 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Particulars of the offence are that Chungu on December 3, 2008 in Lusaka knowingly and fraudulently did alter the passport in question to Mary Bwalya, an immigration officer.

Magistrate Banda sitting as magistrate in Lusaka on Thursday said he found Chungu with a case to answer based on the evidence adduced by the prosecution witnesses.

He has since put Chungu on his defence.

Magistrate Banda adjourned the matter to June 12, 2009 for commencement of defence.

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