Tuesday, June 23, 2009

(COMMON DREAMS) Africa Action Releases Statement on U.S.- Policy Towards Zimbabwe

June 11, 2009
12:07 PM
CONTACT: Africa Action
Michael Stulman (202) 546-7961

Africa Action Releases Statement on U.S.- Policy Towards Zimbabwe
WASHINGTON - June 11 - On the occasion of Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's first official visit to Washington, DC, Africa Action released a statement this morning urging the U.S. Government to seize the opportunity to initiate fundamental reforms in U.S. policy towards Zimbabwe. Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai is set to meet this week with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today, and President Obama on Friday.

Africa Action expresses great concern over a statement this week attributed to Johnnie Carson, assistant secretary of State for African Affairs. In an interview published Monday on Reuters, Carson made an announcement that the U.S. has no plans to shift policy on Zimbabwe.

"It will be a grave mistake if the U.S. fails to come up with a new policy consistent with the changing developments on the ground in Zimbabwe," responded Gerald LeMelle, Executive Director of Africa Action.

Africa Action has long called for a policy that is not for or against any individuals but a policy based on advancing the human rights, and democratic and economic interests of the people of Zimbabwe.

"The U.S. must adopt a new approach in Zimbabwe that advances the transition towards democratic governance, economic security, truth, justice and reconciliation," said LeMelle. The U.S. policy towards Zimbabwe today is limited to sanctions while assisting with humanitarian assistance.

Michael Stulman, Associate Director of Policy and Communications said this morning; "Continuation of U.S. sanctions against Zimbabwe at this point will not help strengthen democracy. In fact, this is economic coercion that is more harmful than it is helpful."

To read "U.S. Policy towards Zimbabwe: Time for Change" visit www.africaaction.org

Africa Action is a national organization that works for political, economic and social justice in Africa. Through the provision of accessible information and analysis combined with the mobilization of public pressure we work to change the policies and policy-making processes of U.S. and multinational institutions toward Africa. The work of Africa Action is grounded in the history and purpose of its predecessor organizations, the American Committee on Africa (ACOA), The Africa Fund, and the Africa Policy Information Center (APIC), which have fought for freedom and justice in Africa since 1953. Continuing this tradition, Africa Action seeks to re-shape U.S. policy toward African countries.

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