
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Differences emerge in MMD over 2011

Differences emerge in MMD over 2011
Written by George Chellah and Patson Chilemba
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 3:05:22 PM

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has vowed to block people who want to be difficult over his candidature for 2011 from attending the MMD national convention. And MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba on Sunday told party spokesperson Benny Tetamashimba to take his "madness" elsewhere for asserting that he [Kalumba] was going to contest the presidency.

Well-placed sources within the ruling party yesterday revealed that the President sent a warning during the NEC meeting that was held over the weekend.

"The deputy speaker of the National Assembly Honourable Mutale Nalumango started by saying that she wanted to get the party's position on the matter. She stressed the need for the party to give an official position concerning the President's candidature for the 2011 elections," the sources disclosed.

"She said the party members needed to know the official position because there were many statements being made over the same issue and that there was an attempt by some people to paint a picture as if others were for and others were against the President's candidature for 2011. So she basically wanted to know the party's official position on the issue."

The sources disclosed that in his response President Banda denied telling anyone whether he would contest the presidency or not.

"The President said, 'I have not told anyone that I am not standing or I am standing. What is happening is that some party members and officials are asking me to stand in 2011. Now that is a show of confidence in my leadership, so naturally I am supposed to say something on that. And what I say is simply to thank them for their show of confidence in me and my leadership," the source explained. "There is no need to worry on that matter because after all I am already President. If there are people who want to be difficult, we can also make it difficult for them to even attend the convention. So for now, let's just concentrate on work. Let's deliver to our people.'"

And Kalumba told Tetamashimba during the NEC meeting to take his "madness" elsewhere for asserting that he [Kalumba] had intentions of contesting the presidency.

The sources disclosed that Kalumba told some NEC officials that they were acting like his spokespersons by announcing to the media that he would contest the MMD presidency at the convention.

"When [MMD national chairman Michael] Mabenga seconded the candidature of H.E [His Excellency, Rupiah Banda], the national secretary said 'before we go on, I support the candidature of President Banda. When I talked about MMD coming up with a winnable candidate, I did not imply that President Banda is not winnable'," the source said. "He [Kalumba] wondered why people were speaking on his behalf. He said 'you go to the press to say that I am standing. Have I told you that I will stand? You people behave like you have been to my grandfather or grandmother who have assured you that I am standing'. He said 'ndekeni [leave me alone]. If you are sick, take your sickness elsewhere. If you are mad, take your madness elsewhere'. It was a general warning."

The sources said President Banda also spoke about the observations the public had raised on his travelling around when the nation needed him to address pressing national issues.

"He said 'there has been overwhelming things talked about me that I have not been around but Vice-President George Kunda is there'," the source said.

Sources also revealed that President Banda has a "very bad" limp as a result of the knee operation he underwent in South Africa.

They said as a result of the limp, President Banda rested his leg on a stool during the NEC meeting which was held at State House.

Meanwhile, MMD member Walusiku Lisulo, whose appointment to the NEC was revoked last Sunday, said he was not bitter at the development.

He said as a new chief executive, President Banda would want to work with his own set of managers.

Asked if he had presidential ambitions, Lisulo responded: "There is no man on earth who has no ambitions, unless they die. But they have to bid for time. For now, we have agreed on one candidate."

He said the MMD had no time to waste because opposition parties had already started campaigning for the 2011 general elections.

"I don't think we have the luxury to continue doing this democratic way of going through various divisive processes of choosing a leader. These things are divisive when left loose," said Lisulo.

MMD NEC endorsed President Banda's candidature for the 2011 elections.

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