
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Dr Miti is panicking, says Sata

Dr Miti is panicking, says Sata
Written by Patson Chilemba, Jane Mwakasungula and George Chellah
Tuesday, June 09, 2009 8:50:54 PM

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) president Michael Sata has observed that former Ministry of Health permanent secretary Dr Simon Miti is panicking. And UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has said President Rupiah Banda will give Dr Miti's letter of sympathy a receptive ear because he has been blackmailed.

Commenting on Dr Miti's letter to President Banda over the K10 billion scam in the Ministry of Health, Sata said Dr Miti should allow the due process of the law take its course on him. He urged Dr Miti to be calm and not panic if he were innocent over the matter.

Sata said the law should be seen to be applied equally regardless of whoever was implicated in certain scandals.

"That letter of my brother is very complicated. I don't know whether he is pleading guilty and asking for some sort of litigation. I don't know whether he wants Rupiah Banda to interfere with investigations. Let him be man enough and face the allegations," Sata said. "Miti is panicking, and is he complaining or pleading for his leave? Is he saying Rupiah Banda should be lenient and should not be sent on forced leave? That would have been something else. I don't know what he's asking for, is he asking for favour to be treated fairly? Is he already being treated harshly?"

Sata said it was good that several ministers that were appointed in late president Levy Mwanawasa's regime had been moved to serve in other ministries because the scandals that were being disclosed now could have been hidden under the carpet.

Sata said it was good that Dr Brian Chituwo had been shifted from Ministry of Health (MoH) to Ministry of Agriculture while Kapembwa Simbao was appointed to serve at MoH from Ministry of Works and Supply.

And Hichilema said the letter was a clear confirmation that there was some prior dubious understanding between Dr Miti and President Banda over the happenings in the Ministry of Health.

Hichilema said President Banda would have no other alternative but to reasonably shield Dr Miti for fear of being exposed of his corrupt involvement in the saga.

Hichilema alleged that there was a long-term understanding between Dr Miti and President Banda that he would get away with the scandals and that the letter was just a reminder to him [President Banda].

He explained that Dr Miti's observations on the abuse of funds during his time as permanent secretary in the Ministry of Health was tantamount to submission of guilt.

He said the financial scandals at the Ministry of Health were a clear indication of a collapse of government system under the MMD leadership.

"The scams in the Ministry of Health are deeper than what the eyes can see. Basically Miti's admission that the funds were abused is submission of guilt but again you can tell that Rupiah is being blackmailed by Miti. There is more to that letter," Hichilema said in an interview. "Basically, this is a confirmation of a collapse in the government system under the MMD. There is an understanding between Banda and Miti that he can get away with it because there was a deal made earlier."

Dr Miti had written to President Banda explaining himself about the on-going investigations over the K10 billion scam.

In his letter dated May 24, 2009 to President Banda through presidential principal private secretary Dr Austin Sichinga, Dr Miti gave his reflections and observations on the financial scam in the Ministry of Health.

According to his report entitled "Report on the K10 billion scam in MoH: My Observations and Reflections", Dr Miti pleaded with President Banda to treat him fairly and with compassion.

But State House sources have disclosed that a meeting was held over Dr Miti's letter to President Banda.

"When that letter was received, there was a meeting by some senior State House officials, they met to discuss the same. The meeting was divided. There was one group that felt that Dr Miti needed to be answerable to the law," the source said. "While others felt that he had done so much helping leaders in the country especially when it comes to evacuations to South Africa and other destinations for them to seek medical attention and treatment.

"But later on there were instructions from high offices that he should not be arrested but to buy time they should say they can't move on that issue because they were waiting for an opinion from the Director of Public Prosecutions."

Well-placed sources at the DPP's office revealed that they were of the view that Dr Miti should not be arrested.

Meanwhile, Sata advised parliamentary chief whip Vernon Mwaanga to keep calm because the hour had come for the MMD to go whether he likes it or not.

Sata asked people to give the newly signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between PF and UPND time to develop, saying there would be a lot of talking between now and 2011.

He said there would be enough time to set aside selfish differences especially over the presidency.

"You see, our colleagues, when they formed UDA, they went to register UDA and abandoned their own political parties but that pact [PF, UPND pact] is going to be guided by the geographical strengths of each party," Sata said.

He said the PF/UPND pact would shock the critics in the next elections.

He urged the MMD not to be scared over the PF/UPND agreement.

"Mr VJ and his friends must not panic, let them keep calm. You see they want to pluck holes in the PF/UPND agreement so that it fails but they will be surprised. We will show them. We will shock them during the coming elections. Let them just wait," Sata said. "My message to them is let them just keep calm, the busier the junction, the easier the job. We will show them. The hour has come for the MMD to go whether they like it or not."

Sata said the MMD survived on divide and rule.

"Remember that I was in MMD myself so I know them, I was national secretary. What has always been in MMD is division, that's what they always do. So even on this agreement with UPND they want to divide," Sata said. "Last year, they went to bring fragmented small political parties to campaign for Rupiah. You know the parties, Edith Nawakwi's FDD, Sakwiba Sikota's ULP, Ken Ngondo and Ben Mwila's nashalaneka party. That's why Rupiah got the 35,000 votes. Rupiah lost those elections."

Sata advised critics of the PF/UPND pact not to be scared.

He further took a swipe at President Banda, saying the President was more pre-occupied with State House and seeking endorsement from paid up party cadres at the expense of national development.

Sata said it was sad to see the lack of professionalism exhibit its ugly head in the Police service.

He said some PF cadres were currently under police custody for allegations that they beat a rebel party member but nothing had been done to MMD cadres who were beating journalists.

"And we are still waiting for the arrest of those who beat our youth chairman, Kampengele," said Sata.

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