
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Electricity tariff hike will harm environment, says Harrington

Electricity tariff hike will harm environment, says Harrington
Written by George Chellah
Sunday, June 21, 2009 3:22:00 PM

FORMER minister of Environment and Natural Resources William Harrington has observed that increasing electricity tariffs will have a negative impact on the country's environment. And Harrington stated that an increment in power tariffs will be way beyond the reach of the majority of Zambians.

Harrington, who is also a business and investment consultant, made his submissions in an open letter to the Energy Regulations Board (ERB) dated June 19, 2009.

“In the first instance, my commendations to you for conducting public hearings on Zesco’s application to revise electricity tariffs by an average of 66 per cent for all customer categories. It is important and necessary that citizens are consulted over such an important issue,” Harrington stated.

“I had hoped to have the opportunity to address the Board at its hearings but regrettably I was disqualified to do so as I have not made any prior written submission. However, I will make my submission and comments herein, thanks to The Post newspaper.”

He stated that his comments were from the environmental perspective.

“The negative impact of the proposed tariff increment on our environment and climate change... It is common knowledge that deforestation and desertification are amongst Zambia's major environmental problems and challenges today as it has indeed been for several decades now.

“The major cause or contributing factor to this national scourge is poverty and the resultant inability of the majority of Zambians to afford electrical energy for domestic use,” Harrington stated.

“During my privileged tenure as minister responsible for Environment and natural resources in 1995/96, I learnt that poverty in Zambia, as is the case in many developing countries, is both a cause and consequence of environmental degradation. In other words, people are poor because they continue to destroy their environment, and by so doing, they become even poorer.

“The critical point I am attempting to make is that by increasing electricity tariffs, the already high cost of power will be way beyond the reach of the majority of Zambians.

The result will be further destruction of the environment, our precious forest resource, as people will be forced to search for this cheaper and more affordable source of energy.”

He stated that further unsustainable exploitation of the forests would result in desertification.

Desertification is fast encroaching on Zambia. Please go to Southern Province to appreciate what I am talking about. I know because I lived in that part of the country for many years. As far back as 1995, there were no forests within a 30 killometre radius of Lusaka.

The forests have been decimated by charcoal burners,” stated Harrington. “Whilst I appreciate government’s repeated public pronouncements on its ‘commitment’ to environmental protection and implementing programmes to address climate change, these will remain mere rhetoric and misleading if government itself, through Zesco, is going to increase electricity tariffs to the detriment of the environment and disadvantage of present and future generations."

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