
Thursday, June 18, 2009

(HERALD) Stop dividing us, West warned

Stop dividing us, West warned
Herald Reporter

THE Zanu-PF Politburo has expressed concern over the divisive attitude of western governments during Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s visit to western capitals that have all refused to either lift economic sanctions or offer any meaningful financial assistance to the inclusive Government.

At its 23rd Ordinary Session in Harare yesterday, the Politburo condemned the divisive tendencies of the western governments following the barring of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister Walter Mzembi and Zimbabwean Embassy officials from the meetings PM Tsvangirai held with President Barack Obama and other US officials.

The Politburo, Zanu-PF’s supreme decision-making body in between congresses, also resolved to adopt the Kariba draft constitution as a working document for the constitution making process and rejected foreign interference in writing a new constitution.

"The Zanu-PF Politburo expressed great concern on the hostile and divisive attitude of foreign governments shown during the Prime Minister’s visit abroad.

"These governments, in an imperialist and neo-colonialist way, are bent on their regime change strategy and appear to ignore in an arrogant way not only the sovereign right of the Zimbabwean people, but also the fundamental decisions taken by Sadc community on Zimbabwe and its appeal and demand for sanctions to be lifted," Zanu-PF deputy spokesperson Cde Ephraim Masawi told journalists at the end of the meeting.

As Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg announced an increase in aid to Zimbabwe — bringing this year’s total to 200 million kroner (22,5 million euros or US$31,2 million) after meeting PM Tsvangirai in Oslo yesterday, the Politburo said the unity of Zimbabweans was worth more than the conditional financial pittances from the west.

"Are the dictatorial and imperialist policies of George W. Bush still alive in the United States of America when we here had begun to think that the world had been relieved of his aggressive and belligerent tendencies? Zimbabwe can never be a colony again for anyone be it Britain or the USA," Cde Masawi said.

He said Zanu-PF was determined that the inclusive Government worked, despite the divisive nature of several governments visited by PM Tsvangirai recently.

"The continued rejection of the sovereign view of the community of Sadc and the AU has convinced us that the United States and Britain and their allies are for the continued disunity of the people of Zimbabwe.

"We remain united Zimbabweans, nay, united Africans and nothing else!"

Stoltenberg announced Norway’s aid during a visit by PM Tsvangirai.

"The aid will go partly to non-governmental organisations and partly to the United Nations" and the World Bank, Stoltenberg said at a Press conference with PM Tsvangirai in Oslo.

"The main priority is basic health, primary education and transition aid," he said.

The Norwegian premier stressed that the international community would only substantially increase aid if Zimbabwe showed progress in "democratic reforms".

PM Tsvangirai has been tasked by President Mugabe and Cabinet to go to western capitals and ask for the removal of the illegal economic sanctions and seek financial aid to revive the economy.

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