
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

(HERALD) Writer’s allegations unfounded

Writer’s allegations unfounded

EDITOR — A letter in The Standard issue of June 7-13 by "Professional" refers.

As has become the norm with The Standard, the letter was published without ZBH being given the opportunity to respond to the writer, as normal journalistic etiquette demands fairness and balanced reporting.

ZBC is an organisation that observes the principles of corporate governance, which demands transparency, accountability, integrity and probity.

This is a public institution that publishes its financial statements in accordance with the required standards and governing statutes.

Allegations of looting and corruption would be detected by our auditors who audit these financial statements.

It is gratifying to note that "Professional" has ‘‘unearthed’’ these corrupt activities which our auditors have failed to detect.

As an experienced and skilled worker, as he alleges, it is common knowledge that such evidence he purports to have could easily be availed to the Anti-Corruption Commission and the law agents for further probing.

ZBC is a national broadcaster which serves the national interest and provides balanced reporting which can be proved by the media monitoring statistics elsewhere in the pages of The Standard.

The corporation regards its workers as its greatest assets who are treated fairly in accordance with labour laws and our code of conduct.

"Professional’s" allegations of victimisation of some employees on political grounds are unfounded and mischievous.

Contrary to what "Professional" is alleging, staff morale is at acceptable levels, considering the challenges facing every company under this economy.

It is surprising to note that "Professional" alleges ZBC is failing to broadcast due to obsolete and archaic equipment when, in fact, we managed to broadcast all our programmes including national events with expertise.

ZBC operations are guided by its policies, procedures and systems promulgated by the board of directors in concurrence with the shareholders.

Any deviations to these set procedures are subject to audit queries from auditors.

Hiring of vehicles and any other equipment is normal practise in any business activity, especially when the institution is subject to shortages of such equipment; surely, this cannot be regarded as looting or corruption when even the CEO does not have an official vehicle and depends on pool vehicles.

Why does "Professional" not even sympathise with some of our general managers who have resorted to using their own vehicles to service the organisation without compensation?

These personal vehicles are now being regarded as hired vehicles, giving a false impression to the public.

Some of "Professional’s" allegations concerning fuel display his ignorance with the provisions of the conditions of service of management as agreed with the board of directors.

The Ministry of Media, Information and Publicity is the parent ministry of ZBC, which represents the interests of the shareholder.

Sharing of assets and resources is common practise. However, these should be done procedurally.

Allegations of fuel drawn by ministry officials’ relatives and girlfriends are malicious.

From the tone of the letter, it is clear that "Professional" is the one who is more of a politician than this institution, as alleged.

An experienced and skilled worker, as portrayed by "Professional" does not have time to misuse time by writing to the media during working hours, disregarding the redress mechanisms provided in our polices and procedures.

Sivukile Simango.
Public Relations Manager.

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