
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I will not stop criticising Rupiah, says Sondashi

I will not stop criticising Rupiah, says Sondashi
Written by Patson Chilemba
Tuesday, June 02, 2009 3:59:12 PM

LUSAKA lawyer Ludwig Sondashi on Monday said he will not stop criticising President Rupiah Banda and Vice-President George Kunda for as long as they continue to administer a corrupt and mediocre government.

Reacting to Vice-President Kunda’s statement that The Post had cartels of sources such as Sondashi whom it went to, to generate insults, Sondashi said he did not remember ever insulting the President and the Vice-President. He said Kunda was a lawyer who should learn to distinguish insults from criticism.

Sondashi said he could not stop criticising President Banda’s government when it was fumbling and defending corruption. He said people should abhor mediocrity in government and demand the best from national leaders.

“I criticise Kunda for misleading the nation as if he is not a lawyer. Of late, he has not admitted that he was misleading the nation on the Dora Siliya scandal. When I criticise Rupiah Banda, I criticise him for the failures to govern properly,” said Sondashi.

“Once they stop fumbling, I will stop criticising. But I can’t stop if they continue making careless statements of corruption continuously in government. I can’t stop, so the onus is on them, they must ensure that they govern the nation properly. Even in Levy Mwanawasa’s government, there were only two of us who used to speak. I can’t keep quiet when I see things going wrong in the country.”

Addressing MMD cadres at Lowenthal Theatre in Ndola on Saturday, Vice-President Kunda - in apparent reference to The Post - said the newspaper had cartels of sources whom it went to, to generate insults.

"We have people like Dr Sondashi. I have not responded to his insults, he is an old man. He is a traditional healer; I am not insulting him I am stating a fact. Every day in The Post he insults me or President Banda but we'll continue to respect him. Let him continue practicing medicine in the manner that he wants. Dr Sondashi was a family friend, all of a sudden he's changed. I still consider him as an elder brother," said Vice-President Kunda.

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