
Monday, June 29, 2009

Inonge Wina joins PF/UPND pact

Inonge Wina joins PF/UPND pact
Written by George Chellah
Monday, June 29, 2009 2:41:50 PM

FORMER Nalolo Con-stituency member of parliament Inonge Wina has stated that the United Liberal Party (ULP) has found itself detoured and compromised.
And Wina has stated that she has decided to support and join the PF/UPND pact.

Wina, who is former ULP chairperson for international relations, revealed that she had withdrawn her membership from the party.

"I wish to take this opportunity to make the following announcement to the nation that, I Inonge Mutukwa Wina, former member of parliament [2001-2006] for Nalolo Constituency and chairperson for international relations in ULP has on this 26th day of June, 2009 decided to relinquish my position as chairperson for international relations in ULP," Wina stated.

"In addition, I have also decided to withdraw my membership in the ULP. This move that I have taken has the full blessing and support of the entire executive and the general membership and sympathisers of the ULP in Nalolo constituency and Zambia."

Wina stated that she took the decision after a wide and protracted consultative process both in Western Province and the country in general.

"Naturally, I am expected to state why I am relinquishing my membership in a party for which I was a founding member and sacrificed so much for. My main reason is that it has become unattainable for me and for the people who support me whose main interest was to see to it that the ULP as one of the opposition parties in the country was going to advance the hopes and aspirations of the many voiceless Zambians," Wina stated.

"However, our views are that the ULP has found itself detoured and compromised as most Zambians who have been following the political trends in our country lately, will agree. The ULP has ceased to be a beacon of hope for Zambians who believe in true multi-partism and what it should stand for. I am pleased to announce to the nation that I will from today throw all my support and weight behind the PF/UPND pact."

She stated that Zambians deserve better leadership.

"The people of Zambia especially the down-trodden and the disadvantaged deserve and expect better leadership from those of us, who are privileged to occupy these offices. We are expected to give them a sense of hope and worthiness in being Zambians. This is why I have decided to support and join the PF/UPND pact," Wina stated.

"This pact represents hope for this country. Our people yearn for a united front, which is committed to spearhead their struggle against poverty, corruption and deprivation. A collective leadership that goes beyond tribe and sex but one that stirs the consciousness of our people to unite for their common good."

Wina stated that Zambia was a big country populated by diverse ethnic groups, hence the need for oneness and to make the country one and move it forward.

"This was the driving spirit among those men and women of courage who fought and sacrificed so much to make this country what it is today. This pact therefore is a building block to harness this diversity into a solid and united people," Wina stated.

"By supporting and joining the pact, I am looking at a broader picture as opposed to advancing personal agendas which has become a norm in most of the fragmented opposition parties."

Wina thanked ULP president Sakwiba Sikota and the party's national executive committee for having accorded her the opportunity to work with them.

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