Monday, June 22, 2009

Levy’s son accuses MMD of abusing dad’s name

Levy’s son accuses MMD of abusing dad’s name
Written by George Chellah
Monday, June 22, 2009 4:00:12 PM

PATRICK Mwanawasa yesterday said the ruling MMD wants to use the Mwanawasa name only when it suits them. And Patrick urged people making innuendos about his late father's rule to let the deceased president rest in peace because he can never return to exonerate himself. In an interview, Patrick said the MMD wanted to use the Mwanawasa name when it was convenient for them.

"When it suits them to use the Mwanawasa name, that's when they want to use it but when it doesn't suit them, they want to bring the name in disrepute. For instance, the appointment of aunt Eve it's not genuine, it's just that it benefits the MMD so they have to appoint her and use the Mwanawasa name," Patrick said. "If they want to keep the legacy they could have consulted the family and the family could have floated a name they think could be proper for that purpose. They don't mean well. They just want to use the Mwanawasa name to their advantage. Even aunt Eve herself when contacted said she was not aware of the appointment."

Recently, during the last national executive committee (NEC) meeting at State House, the MMD endorsed the appointment of Evelyn Mwanawasa as trustee to replace Walusiku Lisulo.

And Patrick urged people making innuendos about his late father's rule to let the deceased president rest in peace.

"Like on Wednesday June 3rd, 2009 there was a document on the internet and an analysis in one of the state-owned newspapers where they compared the late president's government and Mr [Frederick] Chiluba's government. They made innuendos that the late president's government was corrupt than Mr Chiluba's. Fair enough, campaigns are underway but there is a danger of waking up a ghost, which they can't sustain," said Patrick. "Recently, both sides of the political camp have been saying a lot of things about the old man and yet not even a year has passed since the old man passed away. They will never bring Mwanawasa back for him to stand in court or to exonerate himself. They should let the old man rest in peace. I know some people might question why I am coming out now. I am a nobody but I just happen to be the son of the deceased president."

Over the weekend, MMD spokesperson Benny Tetamashimba called for a thorough probe into the dealings of government officials who served under president Mwanawasa's regime.

Tetamashimba said there was need to find out what happened in the seven years that president Mwanawasa served as head of state because many people enriched themselves during that period.

Tetamashimba said many people pocketed public funds on the pretext that they supplied goods and services to the government and that President Banda was being blamed for these misdeeds.

"We have to look through the seven years of president Mwanawasa. We have to find out the wrong that the people did so that our former head of state may rest in peace," Tetamshimba was quoted as having said in the Times of Zambia.

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