
Friday, June 05, 2009

Milupi asks Teta to explain abuse of funds

Milupi asks Teta to explain abuse of funds
Written by Patson Chilemba
Friday, June 05, 2009 11:15:31 PM

PARLIAMENTARY Public Accounts Committee chairperson Charles Milupi has asked Benny Tetamashimba to explain the abuse of funds which he implied to have been committed during former local government minister Sylvia Masebo's administration.

Commenting on local government minister Tetamashimba's challenge to his predecessor Masebo to explain to Zambians what transpired in the purchase of hearses, speedboats, Keep Zambia Clean campaign vehicles and other projects during her tenure, Milupi said it was the responsibility of those in government to explain any wrongdoing, which could have been committed by government officials.

"When honourable Tetamashimba writes a letter in the manner he has written, especially asking his predecessor to explain a number of issues on hearses, Keep Zambia Clean and speedboats, the Lusaka Girls plot, it's a clear indication that Tetamashimba is implying that there was something wrong. He is implying that public funds have been abused by officials in government including the former minister," Milupi said.

"We are concerned as citizens because we are saying that there is gross abuse of the government system and because of that, it disadvantages Zambians especially that he is saying that the speedboats which were bought are not fit. It also implies that Tetamashimba has answers. He has access to documents. He knows exactly what has happened."

Milupi said where there was abuse of public resources, government should provide answers. He said government, through Tetamashimba should therefore explain what transpired rather than asking Masebo to do so.

Milupi said Tetamashimba should explain the transaction on the hearses, since people like Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata had raised observations that US$20,000 was pocketed on each of the 100 hearses that were purchased by government.

"Tetamashimba says he paid for those things in December, and December was long after Masebo had left office. So we want to know, is Sata right when he says they cost US $9,000? And who authorized the payment? Who was corrupt, is it the one who ordered or initiated or the one who varied the price?" Milupi asked.

"So, the Ministry of Local Government, through Tetamashimba has got all the answers. Records are kept, rather than telling Masebo to explain, he should give us answers himself."

Milupi said if Masebo did something wrong, then it was up to government to instruct law enforcement agencies to take action.

He said Tetamashimba should explain the wrong that Masebo might have committed, saying his assertions were not just mere political matters but something to do with public funds.

"On the Lusaka Girls land, what happened? We noticed that real construction began to take shape when the new administration took place. If they have chosen that, that is how government operates by writing letters to The Post then they need to provide real answers, not leaving Zambians in suspense," Milupi said.

He said even on the Keep Zambia Clean campaign vehicles, Tetamashimba should explain and not take the Zambian people for granted, saying both he and President Rupiah Banda served in late president Levy Mwanawasa's administration.

"So, we should not be implying that these things were happening in Levy Mwanawasa's time. Where is collective responsibility?" asked Milupi. "He has raised implications that there is corruption, he is the one who should give us answers. If there is abuse of authority, then they should tell us answers."

Tetamashimba recently challenged his predecessor Masebo to explain to Zambians what transpired in the purchase of hearses, speedboats, Keep Zambia Clean campaign vehicles and other projects during her tenure.

In his letter dated May 31, 2009 to Masebo and copied to Secretary to the Cabinet Joshua Kanganja, Post editor Fred M'membe and his permanent secretary Coillard Chibbonta, Tetamashimba stated that Masebo bought 150 vehicles for the Keep Zambia Clean campaign, hearses and unfit speedboats without involving him as her deputy then.

"RE: Hearses, Speedboats, Keep Zambia clean vehicles and plot at Lusaka Girls. There is no doubt that when you decided to buy the above-named, I did not know as it was all between you, your permanent secretary Mr Joe Ngo, director Z. Zulu and head of procurement. I was never part to any but as current minister, all falls under me," Tetamashimba stated.

Tetamashimba stated that Masebo confessed to Vice-President George Kunda that she was the architect of the project to buy hearses.

"You never involved me in your decision to purchase the hearses. Even the tender procedures as per records at this ministry were only privy to you and not to me," Tetamashimba stated.

But Masebo revealed that in line with the Cabinet handbook, she has applied for clearance from President Rupiah Banda to allow her as a former minister to divulge information on the transactions that took place during her tenure. Masebo said it was clear that there was a deliberate ploy to malign and dent her image.

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