
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Miti’s plea is a corrupt act - TIZ

Miti’s plea is a corrupt act - TIZ
Written by George Chellah
Saturday, June 13, 2009 4:09:26 PM

TRANSPARENCY International Zambia (TIZ) president Reuben Lifuka has described former Ministry of Health permanent secretary Dr Simon Miti’s plea to President Rupiah Banda as a corrupt act. And Lifuka has strongly advised President Banda to be quite careful in such matters as his name may easily be brought into disrepute if he starts meddling in such investigations.

Reacting to Dr Miti's letter to President Banda over the K10 billion scam at the Ministry of Health, Lifuka said TIZ has noted with great dismay, the levels of patronage exhibited by Dr Miti in his letter to the President pleading for leniency.

"The tone of the letter fails to inspire confidence that the intentions of Dr Miti are noble. It would seem that the letter is intended to solicit for forgiveness from the Republican President," Lifuka said.

"While the concept of forgiveness cannot be frowned upon, we clearly see this as a corrupt act itself intended to induce President Banda to act in a particular manner."

Lifuka said his organisation's position was that Dr Miti's letter to President Banda was misdirected.

"It is misdirected in the sense that the President is not an investigator. What Dr Miti should do is to wait for an appropriate time to give the investigating agencies all the required answers on his side of the story, which we are sure, will be accorded to him if this has not yet been done. We respect his views whether right or wrong but they should be directed to an appropriate authority at a right time," Lifuka said.

"The mention of family linkages smacks of crass patronage and in a way shows the low levels that senior government officers have reached to simply maintain their jobs or win favours from the appointing authority. It is this type of patronage, which has made professionals and technocrats serving as permanent secretaries or senior government officials from exercising independent judgment in the discharge of their duties."

Lifuka said the leadership itself had partly created the environment of patronage.

"TIZ would like to urge President Banda not to be swayed by the letter from Dr Miti. President Banda committed himself to allow the investigations into scandals at the Ministry of Health to proceed without interference and he should dismiss the act of patronage from Dr Miti with the contempt it deserves. We find it unfortunate that Dr Miti wants to utilise his family circumstances to dig himself out of a hole," Lifuka said.

"Dr Miti should take responsibility of his actions and he should not rush to seek a solution outside the ongoing investigation process. He should allow the due process to be followed and if necessary he will have his day in court to clear his name."

Lifuka said the-behind-the-scenes manoeuvres were inappropriate and should be roundly condemned.

"This kind of approach may somehow jeopardise investigations especially now that there are reports that this matter was even accorded an opportunity by high offices to be considered. This is normally a negative effect on requests for sympathy," Lifuka said.

"We strongly advise the Republican President Mr Rupiah Banda to be quite careful in such matters as his name may easily be brought into disrepute if he starts meddling in such investigations. As we know that law enforcement agencies have in the recent past found it difficult to investigate cases where the President has publicly supported officials that are accused of abuse of office."

He said TIZ considers the happenings today where numerous cases of corruption, fraud and gross abuse of authority are being reported to be 'a sign of the times.'

"We want to be clear that some of the corruption occurred in the Mwanawasa era but unfortunately President Rupiah Banda's government are the ones in office today and need to resolve these issues. They cannot simply abdicate their role," said Lifuka.

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