
Monday, June 15, 2009

MMD NEC endorses Banda for 2011

MMD NEC endorses Banda for 2011
Written by Patson Chilemba
Monday, June 15, 2009 3:04:42 PM

THE MMD National Executive Committee (NEC) yesterday endorsed President Rupiah Banda's candidature for the 2011 general elections. But highly-placed MMD sources said NEC members were mute on a number of things that were raised during the meeting.

In an interview after the meeting, MMD spokesperson Benny Tetamashimba announced that NEC resolved to present President Banda as the sole candidate for the presidency.

"NEC, as per article 10 (J) of the MMD constitution decided to present President Rupiah Bwezani Banda as the sole candidate for the MMD presidency at the forthcoming MMD convention and presidential elections for 2011," Tetamashimba said.

"The national chairman [Michael Mabenga] and the national secretary [Katele Kalumba] appealed to all MMD members to support the decision of NEC and appealed to all members to support the candidature of Rupiah Banda at the next convention."

Tetamashimba also said the NEC discussed the forthcoming Chitambo parliamentary by-election and several local government elections that would be held.

But MMD sources revealed that most members chose to remain silent on a number of issues that were raised during the meeting. The sources said Tetamashimba was the one who proposed that President Banda be adopted as the party's presidential candidate and Mabenga seconded the proposal.

"The President was asked that 'are you in agreement, then he said if you [NEC] people want me to stand to go ahead, who am I to say no?" sources said. "People were actually mute on a number of things. So I don't know if there was a written rule that people should be quiet."

Sources further disclosed that MMD Copperbelt chairperson Joseph Chilambwe said former finance minister Ng'andu Magande has been campaigning on the Copperbelt without the party's authority.

"But the issue could not be debated further because Magande was not there to defend himself," said the sources.

The sources also revealed that Evelyn Mwanawasa had been nominated to become one of the NEC members.

Others include Copperbelt Province minister Mwansa Mbulakulima who is vice national treasurer and finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane, sports minister Kenneth Chipungu and Keith Mukanta.

The sources said President Banda raised the issue of the appointments and there was no objection from other NEC members.

And Tetamashimba said President Banda was limping as a result of the knee operation he recently underwent in South Africa. He said the President had been given some walking aids.

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