
Sunday, June 07, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Bingu on central region ‘thank you’ rallies

Bingu on central region ‘thank you’ rallies
By Nyasa Times Reporter
Published: June 1, 2009

After a similar gesture in Southern Region last week, President Ngwazi Dr Bingu wa Mutharika today takes his thank you whistle-stop tour in some parts of the Central region starting with Lilongwe City Rural.

The president is going around expressing his gratitude to the electorate for re-electing him with an emphatic victory during the May 19 peaceful presidential and parliamentary polls.

Dr Mutharika scored the highest votes ever registered in the country since the dawn of multiparty democracy in 1994 with 2,946,103 votes against 1,370,044 for his close contender John Tembo of the Malawi Congress Party, translating into 50.7 percent against 24.

According to State House, President Mutharika’s thank you whistle stop tour will take him to six trading centers in Lilongwe rural, Dowa, Kasungu and Mchinji districts.

His first stop will be at Lumbadzi Trading Centre in Lilongwe rural, Mponela and Madisi in Dowa and then Chinkhoma in Kasungu. From there, the president will stop at Kamwendo in Mchinji before winding up at Namitete Trading Centre also in Lilongwe Rural.

Quite contrary to most people’s expectations that, immediately after the polls, the 75-year-old president will go into self-oblivion to have a good rest, possibly abroad, after a tiresome non-stop campaign. But he still appears to have saved some energy.

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