Thursday, June 18, 2009

(NYASATIMES) New finance minister for Malawi

New finance minister for Malawi
By Nyasa Times
Published: June 17, 2009

President Bingu wa Mutharika has named Ken Kandodo, a nephew of the late dictator Hastings Banda who ruled for three decades in a one-party system as his new finance minister. He will take over from Goodall Gondwe, who has been appointed minister of local government. Kandodo was Board Chairman for the National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA).

Gondwe who has worked for the African Development Bank and the World Bank before landing the finance portfolio, won the top accolade for the economic achievements Malawi has realised during the five years he has been minister of finance.

Commentators on Malawi discussion forum, Nyasanet described the cabinet as “lean but not pleasant”.

Pia Likoya said Gondwe has been demoted by being allocated the relatively low key local government ministry a.

“Being by-passed as a [Vice President] is bad enough; however a demotion to local government is what we call in legal parlance, a kick in the goalies. And to add insult to injury, he’s been substituted by Ken Kandodo. This is the joke of the year. What is wrong with this President,” posted Likoya his comment on the forum.

Economist Watipatso Mkandawire posted his comment saying the cabinet line-up might be a blessing in disguise.

“It might be a blessing in disguise to move Goodall to Local Government where there is a tremendous need for moving the decentralisation programme forward, expanding OVOP [One Village, One Product], and of course local Government elections, get City Assemblies working again. The challenge will be for Goodall to extract funds out of Kenani Kandodo,” noted Mkandawire.

“There is no ‘Life’ anything in public offices. Most people thought Goodall had an automatic ticket to the Finance portfolio and his appointment to ‘lesser Ministry’ is a shock to many people. Not only his “demotion” but the alleviation of Kenani Kandodo (MP) as Finance Minister. Obviously there will be panick in IMF, World Bank and other donors,” commented Mkandawire.

Malawians also commented on the cabinet composition on social networking site, Facebook where many expressed doubt that the Finance Minister was appointed on merit.

One observed that the cabinet is so full of “fabricated bourgeoisie, it is hilarious. “

Fr Boniface Tamani, chairman of Public Affairs Committee (PAC) also said the nation expected Gondwe would have maintained the Finance portfolio.

“He was able to speak the language of economics and be able to convince people all over the world. I felt he should have been maintained but of course it is the President who has the prerogative to choose who to be on what positions,” Tamani told a Zodiak Radio.

Kandodo is currently a Director at Chayamba holdings, a real estate business of the late dictator.

The new cabinet will be sworn-in on Thursday at New State House in Lilongwe.

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