
Thursday, June 04, 2009

Press Freedom Committee

Press Freedom Committee
Written by PFC
Thursday, June 04, 2009 11:38:54 PM

THE Press Freedom Committee (PFC) of The Post is a public/community outreach programme, which was formed in 2000 with a view of promoting and protecting press freedom and freedom of expression by providing a public platform for expression of all shades of opinions without any form of discrimination. The Committee also facilitates training programmes on various issues such as HIV and AIDS.

Objectives of PFC: 1. To promote press freedom and freedom of expression in order to enhance participatory democracy, good governance, transparency, accountability, individual and national development. 2. To advocate and lobby for media reforms and the promotion and protection of the professional interest and ethics of journalists both in Zambia and in the sub region. 3. To provide a forum called “News Makers’ Forum” to various interest groups such as political parties, church leaders, women and youths, NGOs, unions etc in order to express their views, opinions and ideas on various national issues. 4. To collect new and views from various stakeholders in the process of national development and democracy building for dissemination to a wider audience through newspaper articles and; 5. To undertake any incidental activities that are compatible with The Post Newspaper’s editorial policy, and with the spirit of building a vibrant, independent and well informed citizenry willing and actively participating in defending and promoting democratic principles and values. With regards the training of reporters on TB, it is this objective that provides us the guidelines. As PFC, we believe in having well trained reporters that report accurately on issues.

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