Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Prof Sinkala urges more information on biofuels

Prof Sinkala urges more information on biofuels
Written by Nchima Nchito Jr
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 7:40:37 AM

BIOFUELS Association of Zambia (BAZ) chairman Prof Thomson Sinkala has said there is a need for Zambians to be informed about the benefits of the biofuels industry.
Responding to a press query, Prof Sinkala stated that it was important that the public was aware of what was involved in the bio-fuel industry.

“Our approach as Biofuels Association of Zambia is that the public at large in Zambia must be informed about the biofuels industry. The need for involvement by Zambians and the opportunities available for them must be spelt out,” he stated.

“The information must also articulate the issues of food security, contribution of biofuels to household economy, environment, and general law and order in relation to biofuels industry. For the targeted biofuels, namely bioethanol (for petrol), biodiesel (for diesel), bio-oils/vegetable oils (for kerosene), charcoal and biogas, appropriate know-how and information on activities from production to marketing for the selected feed stocks will have to be imparted to those involved, in order to minimize failures which may derail the targets.”

Prof Sinkala further cited the lack of knowledge concerning the bio-fuel industry, even among technocrats, as one of their biggest challenges.

“Decision makers often do not have time to peruse through the so many issues that confront them to manage socio-economic activities. Furthermore, they are often the targets by agents of misinformation who knowingly or unknowingly derail development programmes,” stated Prof Sinkala.

“It is important therefore that decision makers are availed with information about biofuels so that all Zambians have equitable opportunity to participate in the development of the biofuels industry.”

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