
Friday, June 12, 2009

Rupiah is playing games with corruption - Simuusa, Kakoma

Rupiah is playing games with corruption - Simuusa, Kakoma
Written by Ernest Chanda
Friday, June 12, 2009 8:31:49 PM

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda's poor handling of corruption cases in Zambia is going to plunge this country into serious economic and social problems, the PF and UPND have warned. In a joint statement in Lusaka yesterday, Nchanga Patriotic Front (PF) member of parliament Wilbur Simuusa and Zambezi West United Party for National Development (UPND) member of parliament Charles Kakoma charged that President Banda was playing games on issues of corruption.

Simuusa, who read the statement on behalf of the two parties, urged President Banda to act on the findings of the judge Dennis Chirwa-chaired tribunal on former communications and transport minister Dora Siliya.

"The resources being abused and plundered are people's resources. As President, he is only a custodian of those resources. When the owners of the resources, the Zambian people, want to know how their resources are to be utilised and why action is not being taken to safeguard their resources, President Banda owes them an explanation," Simuusa said.

"President Rupiah Banda must act on the findings of the Dora Siliya tribunal. It is now becoming months since the findings, since the judge Dennis Chirwa tribunal submitted their report to President Banda. The President has opted to sit on it and refused or failed to act on it. Why is he behaving like that?' We suspect that the President wants the Zambian people to forget about it after passage of time."

The two parties also demanded that the findings of the Auditor General's report on the Ministry of Health should be made public.

"President Banda must cause to be published the recent audit report by the Auditor General on the Ministry of Health's K27 billion scam. The people want to know the findings of the Auditor General. It is surprising that the government is silent after receiving the Auditor General's report. What is it that they are hiding?" the two parties asked.

The two parties asked President Banda to find money for the Auditor General to enable them extend the probe to all ministries and spending agencies.

"President Rupiah Banda must cause an audit to be carried out at the Ministry of Local Government and Housing to establish the truth on the purchase of 100 hearses without any tender and at inflated prices, procurement of 150 vehicles for Keep Zambia Clean campaign without any tender and the purchase of speed boats that are not suitable for Zambian environment. President Banda should also clear former minister Sylvia Masebo to explain what she knows about the deals," said the two parties.

Last week, the PF and UPND signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enable them work together on national issues ahead of the 2011 general elections.

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