
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) BBC report on Zimbabwe shameful

BBC report on Zimbabwe shameful
Wed, 10 Jun 2009 03:27:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - The last few years in Zimbabwe have been fraught with tragedies and dangers. I am sure every Zimbabwean is fully aware of the serious concerns expressed by President Mugabe and Prime Minister Tsvangirai over the need for "opening a new chapter in Zimbabwean politics".

I have no doubt that as leaders they are discharging their duties and obligations in helping to preserve the peace of the nation as well as ensuring the success of the inclusive Government.

Following the post March 29 election violence, Zimbabwe's leaders have made an effort to ensure peace, progress and stability in the country. There are some news organisations and individuals, however, who continue to associate our inclusive Government with, not only violence, but also lack of sincerity by one or both of the principals. This is despite the principals coming together and agreeing to chart the way forward.

Many of us as Zimbabwean have been appalled to see some of the headlines in so-called independent and international newspapers undermining the effectiveness of the 5 month old inclusive Government. Surely miracles could not have been performed by the inclusive Government in such a short space of time.

Yesterday's BBC report entitled "Zimbabwe 'facing fresh violence'" in which Mrs Holland claimed "MDC-T ministers" were on a death list prepared by hardliners in Zanu PF, was a deliberate attempt at discrediting the gains made thus far by the inclusive Government. The report was full of hearsay with no evidence of the claims made.

This kind of sensationalised reporting has done immense damage to Zimbabwe, but the BBC has been completely discredited in the process.

Those who question such type of reporting are deemed "enemies of democracy". I guess George Orwell was right when he said: ""During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act".

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