
Friday, June 05, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) The Gordon Brown cookie crumbles

The Gordon Brown cookie crumbles
Thu, 04 Jun 2009 03:08:00 +0000

FIGHTING FOR POLITICAL SURVIVAL: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is set to reshuffle Cabinet to ensure political survival

NO doubt, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's political cookie is crumbling. Resignations of Cabinet members are coming on the eve of a major election test for the British PM. He has been stabbed in the front at a moment of maximum vulnerability.

Hazel Blears and Jacqui Smith have resigned from Mr Brown's Labour cabinet over an "expenses scandal".

Europe Minister Caroline Flint is said to be following these two "Blair babes". This is a blow to Mr Brown whose shamed former spin doctor Damian McBride, also resigned after spreading smears about senior Tories.

We now know that it takes a lot to get rid of Mr Brown who only a few months ago was singing high notes about corruption in Zimbabwe and lobbying the United Nations to impose more illegal santions on the tiny landlocked country.

Many of us are very naive. We view these senior Labour party resignations as something other than corruption.

Corruption is only viewed as a characteristic of African politicians and African governments.

In Whitehall, corruption is masked as "misappropriation", "misuse of public funds", "unapproved expenses", "row over MPs' expenses", etc.

The political comedy in Whitehall is dealing a huge blow to one of the institutions widely viewed as the centre of democracy and accountability.

No-one is spared: from the Speaker of the House of Commons to the Mayor of London.

The million dollar question is: Who is not corrupt in this seemingly infallible system?

Mr Brown is still locked away in Downing Street. He won't resign even though his Cabinet is shwoing signs of disapproval. He is simply refusing to budge.

Although he has, time and again, asked for the resignation, to put it mildly, of President Robert Mugabe, he has no intentions of walking away himself.

His Cabinet is crumbling, unless he reshuffles it and place loyalists in strategic posts.

Hazel Blears resignation is the first crucial step in that crumble.

In her resignation statement, there was no single word of praise for Mr Brown or his government.

She barely concealed her contempt for the unelected British Prime Minister.

Soon, many Cabinet members in the Labour government will be trading blows with Mr Brown. The signs are there.

The Labour government has completely lost the plot, its direction, and moral purpose, and almost certainly the next general election.

For a man who so wilfully plotted the downfall of other leaders; including President Mugabe and his own 'political friend', Tony Blair, Mr Brown is finding out what political karma is all about.

The chickens are now finally coming home to roost.

Philip Murombedzi
Editor of the Zimbabwe Guardian
philipmurombedzi **AT**

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