Monday, June 29, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Reality has struck for the MDC, says Chinamasa

Reality has struck for the MDC, says Chinamasa
Ralph Mutema
Mon, 29 Jun 2009 18:39:00 +0000

JUSTICE and Legal Affairs Minister Senator Patrick Chinamasa said there is now realization by members from both the Movement for Democratic Change formations that sanctions are real and have had a devastating effect on the economy, making any interventions and efforts to resuscitate the economy difficult. This, he said, is shown by the change in attitude and language as reality sets in.

"Ministers from both formations now face up to reality. They now see what they could not see from outside and what we have always said.

"They were previously academic and now see things in a different light. Our colleagues now see reality as we saw it before the inclusive Government," Sen. Chinamasa said.

Sen. Chinamasa warned that external threats to the new dispensation remain, calling on parties to the Global Political Agreement to remain vigilant and wary of things that are divisive.

"There are external threats to the inclusive Government which need to be jealously guarded against by all parties to the GPA," he said.

Sen. Chinamasa also added that Zimbabwe will emerge as a true beacon of success and overall uplifting of its people in Africa if the country manages to maintain and sustain prevailing peace and stability, he said.

He added that Zimbabwe has everything it takes to empower its people in the newly found spirit of inclusive Government.

"Our greatest asset besides our natural resources is an educated and skilled population that needs an environment of stability like we have now to meaningfully contribute to the development of the country," he said.

"Zimbabwe will be recognizable in the not too distant future," he added.

Sen. Chinamasa said it is a pity that some people do not value how rich the country is and leave that appreciation to outsiders who are now angling for a stake.

Describing the working environment in the inclusive Government as "businesslike and focussed", Sen. Chinamasa said finance is needed to complement natural resources and human capital.

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